Zimbabwe’s ruling party: Russia has the right to defend its territory

The director of information and public relations of Zimbabwe’s ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party, Farai Marapira, has said that the Russian Federation has every reason to defend its territory. The politician said this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Farai Marapira said that the Russian Federation had every reason to defend Russian territory. The politician stressed that Western countries were obliged to promote a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian conflict rather than escalate it and prepare the Kiev regime for a long-term confrontation. According to ZANU-PF’s director of information and public relations, the continuation of the armed confrontation “serves neither Ukrainians nor Russians.”

“We believe that Russia has the right to defend its territorial integrity, it has the right to guarantee that its sovereignty will not be threatened in any way by its enemies”, – said Marapira.

We will remind, earlier the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin said that Russia today asserts and defends its sovereignty.