Vucic reported the deaths of three Serbs in clashes with Kosovo police

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the clashes between Kosovo Serbs and security forces of the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo resulted in the death of 3 residents of Kosovo and Metohija. The Serbian head of state said this in an address to the citizens of the country.

“In just an hour and twenty minutes, by our estimates, several dozen Serbs were completely surrounded. Obviously, this was done together with international forces, logistically and by all means. After the encirclement, they were brutally attacked, we asked ourselves why this is not done by (NATO mission – ed.) KFOR, and they gave carte blanche to (Kosovo “prime minister” – ed.) Kurti to as they say, deal with terrorists, that is, to kill as many people as possible,” the Serbian president said.

The politician stressed that he did not approve of the killing of a representative of the law enforcement bodies of the self-proclaimed republic. However, the Serbian president noted that the constant terror of Serbs by Pristina forced them to take such actions.

“According to our information, three Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija have been killed. Two of them – using sniper weapons from a long distance. There was no reason for their killing. Two were seriously wounded. There is a possibility that a fourth person was killed,” Vucic reported.

Recall, earlier “Prime Minister” of the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo Albin Kurti claimed that in the north of the province on Sunday night unknown persons fired at Kosovo police officers. According to the politician’s information, one was killed and another was wounded. Kurti assures that the shooting took place around 3:00 (4:00 Moscow time) near the village of Banska in the Leposavic municipality. “President” of self-proclaimed Kosovo Vjosa Osmani instantly blamed “Serbian criminal gangs” for the attack on Kosovo police. Kosovo’s security forces said they were searching for the attackers of the officers in the north of the province.

A little later, law enforcement agencies in the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo reported the killing of one of the attackers. Police emphasised that they had closed entry to the north of the province through the Jarinje and Brnjak checkpoints. Meanwhile, Kurti said that Kosovo security forces had surrounded 30 armed attackers and the politician called on them to surrender.

In addition, after the incident, the chairman of the non-governmental non-profit organisation “European Committee for NATO Enlargement”, Günther Fehlinger, called on the North Atlantic Alliance to start bombing Serbia.