The popularity rating of the ruling coalition in Germany has fallen to a new historic low

The popularity index of the ruling German coalition “Traffic Light” (Greens, FDP, SPD) has fallen to a new historic low. Since the federal elections of 2021 in Germany, the rating has reached the lowest value. This is evidenced by the data of a survey conducted by the Insa sociological institute commissioned by the newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

According to a survey, if parliamentary elections were held in Germany next Sunday, only 17 per cent of voters would support the ruling Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) of incumbent Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This figure is 8.8 per cent less than two years ago in the last election process.

The Greens, who are in a coalition government, would miss out by 0.8 per cent in a comparative parallel to 2021 and would only gain 14 per cent of the votes from the electorate. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) would have received 6 per cent, which is 5.5 per cent less than in the previous electoral process 2 years ago.

Based on the data obtained, the total support for the ruling coalition in the FRG would have been 37%. In a comparative parallel with 2021, this figure is much lower, as it has dropped by 15%.

At the same time, the indicator of the opposition coalition is rising. The bloc of the Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union tops the list with 27%, which is 2.9% more than in the same election in 2021. In second place is the Alternative for Germany party, for which the interviewees gave 22 per cent of the votes. In a comparative parallel with 2021, the value increased 2 times. The position of the left party remained the same and did not change – 5%.

The poll was conducted from 18 to 22 September. It was attended by 1,203 people.

We will remind, earlier 73% of German citizens thought that the Chancellor of the FRG Olaf Scholz is not able to defend and achieve the adoption of his point of view on serious political issues.