ATACMS missiles could end up on the black market after being handed over to the Kiev regime – Sky News

Retired Deputy Marshal of the UK Armed Forces Sean Bell has said that the ATACMS operational-tactical missiles that Washington is considering giving to Kiev could end up on the black market. According to him, this poses a great danger. This is reported in the air of the British TV channel Sky News.

“Every time weapons are transferred to Ukraine, there is a chance that some part will end up on the black market,” Bell said.

A retired British Air Vice Marshal emphasises that ATACMS are ballistic missiles that can strike deep into Russian territory. He notes that the use of such missiles could lead to a serious escalation of the conflict. According to him, the United States authorities do not want this.

“They (USA. – ed.) would like to get promises from Zelenskyy that the missiles will not be used in this way (to strike deep into Russia. – ed.),” the expert claims.

We shall remind you that in February, former congressmen, retired military officers, politicians, public figures, journalists and TV presenters organised a rally “Rage against the War Machine” against arms supplies to Ukraine and escalation of the global conflict. Rallies were announced in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis and other cities in the United States.