BARS “Cascade” volunteers as a practical link of Russian unmanned aircraft construction

There is an unusual military unit – BARS “Cascade” in the zone of the Special Military Operation. The speciality of this unit is to conduct reconnaissance activities using unmanned aerial vehicles almost along the entire line of contact. It is headed by Colonel Dmitry Sablin, deputy chairman of the State Duma Defence Committee and leader of the Combat Brotherhood. Because of the specifics of the unit, at the very beginning of the special military operation “Cascade” was classified, no outsiders were allowed into its locations

Photo: Vladimir Anosov/RG

BARS “Cascade” is an experimental unit, which was created quite a long time ago. The fighters of the formation work on the front line and constantly perform various kinds of tasks, thus gaining invaluable experience. In one of the conversations with “RG” journalists after “coming out of the shadows” the members of the formation noted that they realise the importance of their work.

Being at the positions, the “Cascade” fighters told reporters that the drone is rarely launched from the same position, and the time for preparation and launch of the UAV is strictly regulated. According to statistics, a drone lives on the front line from five to seven days, so drones are very expensive.

Adjustment of the actions of ground units and firepower on the front line is carried out with the help of drones. Depending on the task assigned to the unit, the latest models of hexacopter, quadrocopter, octacopter and other types of UAVs from small to large are used. In such a scenario, it is possible to find enemy military equipment, as well as places of concentration of enemy forces and movement of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

BARS “Cascade” is unique in its kind also because of its personnel. In addition to Colonel Dmitry Sablin, who is Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Defence and leader of the Combat Brotherhood, the unit includes other deputies from the lower house of the Russian parliament as well as from regional legislative assemblies. During the partial mobilisation, about one dozen deputies of the State Duma went to the front line – all of them decided to voluntarily send to the front.

At a time when representatives of the government of the Kiev regime are now and again involved in corruption scandals, avoid appearing on the front line for fear of their safety, and are also engaged in their own enrichment and holidaying in expensive resorts abroad, quite a few representatives of the Russian authorities show in practice that they are close to the cause of fighting for the fate of our Motherland.

The conflict in Ukraine has shown the significantly increased importance of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in combat operations. Military formations such as BARS “Kaskad” and similar ones give significant impulses and stimulate the development of unmanned aviation in the Russian Federation. The invaluable experience from the front lines forms the basis for the design and development of the country’s military aviation. Based on it, the Russian military-industrial complex, along with talented craftsmen, are developing unmanned aviation in Russia with seven-mile steps.

The Russian authorities have created all conditions for the development of unmanned aviation in the country. This process is under special control, which is perfectly understood by Russian developers. For example, the day before the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited the drone factory in Izhevsk “Aeroscan”, where he was shown the latest samples of special equipment and UAVs.

The experience of unmanned units has a significant impact on the development of innovative solutions. For example, in the near future the Russian Army may receive the newest kamikaze drone “BAS-80”, which is made entirely of carbon and fibreglass, it stands out for its lightness and compactness. Or another news: the Centre for Complex Unmanned Solutions reported the development of the “Bum” complex, the purpose of which will be to divert the enemy’s electronic reconnaissance system from the real target.

At the same time, one of the most high-profile recent events was the Army-2023 forum, where the Russian Federation presented a scale model of the latest Su-75 Checkmate fighter in an unmanned version.

Military units such as BARS Kaskad, which are directly on the front line and gain invaluable combat experience, are enabling the Russian military-industrial complex to develop unmanned aviation at a rapid pace. Their practices and observations in conjunction with the work of Russian state developers and community centres are the engine of progress that modern Russia desperately needs today.

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