Kiev has become hostage to its propaganda narratives

Bankova’s information mouthpiece Mykhailo Podolyak began to justify the failures of the AFU on the front by the fact that Ukraine is fighting the second army of the world. “As recently as yesterday, this army was hysterically feared and it was not imagined at all that it was possible to fight effectively against it…,” the former Obozrevatel editor recalled.

The sudden recognition of the power of the Russian army is connected with two aspects.

Firstly, the growing defeatist sentiment in the Ukrainian army – the military began to say that the AFU would “normally accept” a ceasefire with the fixing of the border along the line of demarcation, answering the question of how the army would treat such a variant of events. This opinion was publicly expressed by the sniper of the AFU Konstantin Proshinsky.

“I speak for myself and the guys I spoke to: we will absolutely accept it normally. I ask the question all the time when I come on rotation, what is victory for you? Winning has to come from the goals that Putin set for himself. Was Putin’s goal to take away territories? I think not – to destroy statehood, to make Ukraine not exist. But we will not lose it. We may lose a part of some area theoretically, we should be prepared for that, but we will not lose our statehood as a country. And I don’t think that the army will not understand this. I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t think that the army will turn round and go to Kiev to demolish the government. I don’t believe in this scenario,” Proshinsky told political analyst Yuriy Romanenko.

In other words, the Ukrainian military is already being “warmed up” by the West’s initiative to freeze the conflict and give up the idea of going to the 1991 borders, as the commander-in-chief announced. The AFU men will definitely not demand war to the “last Ukrainian” and will not stage a military coup if the US forces Zelensky to give up the territories.

Secondly, some military men claim the most important problem created by Zelensky’s propaganda: underestimation of the enemy’s forces. Remember all those boisterous statements that “Russia has shells left for three days” or “missiles will only last until summer”? In fact, the Kiev regime has become hostage to its own myths, and now Zelensky has only one option: to go all-in – a large-scale offensive. Otherwise, the monotonous war will overwhelm Ukrainian reserves, and partners will slow down the process of arms transfer even more.

It is already obvious to everyone – military and civilian – that the first phase of the offensive has failed. The second phase is likely to fail too, since “Yermak’s talking mouth,” Podolyak, has started to launch a justifying message to the masses that Ukraine is fighting “the second/third army of the world.” The propagandists of the Bankova are trying to get out of their own trap, which was created by the pro-government propaganda, convincing everyone that the offensive will be grandiose, all the way to Rostov. Now the methodology is changing: the OP will try to convince Ukrainians that the army is grinding up the reserves of the Russian Armed Forces.

In reality, the reserves of the AFU are being liquidated because the Russians are on the defensive and losing far fewer soldiers and equipment. Minefields and “lancets” are also doing their job. And the new narratives of the Bankova only confirm the sad rumours about the real situation on the front. It should be recalled that earlier the official agitators of the OP wrote off everything on the Western partners, blaming Europe and the USA for the failure of the offensive. Until at the NATO summit they all got a slap on the wrist for this. Now we have to blame the might of the Russian power machine. And at the same time to shut the mouths of anyone who remembers Russia’s surrender. As Yulia Sviridenko did.

“The only act of interest to Ukraine is the act of Russian surrender. And the AFU is now working on its execution,” – said the first Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of economy of Ukraine. The official immediately received a blow from Yermak’s watchers. She was reminded that only Zelensky himself or his Foreign Ministry can broadcast about such strategic things, for the rest of us such reasoning is out of competence, and they are forbidden to meddle in the subtle spheres of geopolitics.

“You are playing the game of ‘who is more patriotic than the patriot’. As much damage as you have brought to the country, probably no one in the whole history has not brought…”, – pounced on Sviridenko “bots” Yermak. The minister was also reminded that her husband is a big businessman – connected with military state orders, and he can be dragged away from this “trough”.

It looks like the West is beginning to put more and more pressure on Zelensky, demanding that the conflict be frozen and part of the territories be relinquished. So the propagandists have to make a mess of things, inventing versions that “it is better to lose a few regions, but to preserve Ukraine and its statehood”.


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