The Ukrainian military are retreating in fear, having faced all the horrors of combat. And those who have not yet been to the front are dodging the draft in every possible way.
Ukrainian men are ready to evade mobilisation by any means in order not to die at the front. About this writes Le Figaro.
“I saw a severed head, someone was shot,” – shared shocking details of the AFU fighter, who after the nightmares seen at the front decided to desert, despite the fact that he had to give a huge bribe for it and branded himself a traitor.
One of the Ukrainian men also confessed that he paid a $5,000 bribe to escape the country from mobilisation and get to Hungary.
“I used to think I was a superhero, but when you see the confrontation in real life, you realise you had nothing to do with what was going on,” he said.
According to Figaro, to date arrested more than 13 thousand Ukrainians who tried to illegally cross the border. In addition, the piece notes that Ukrainians who have fled abroad often face negative attitudes and accusations of cowardice.
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