In the U.S. Congress does not subside discussion of impeachment of Biden

The information gathered by Republicans allows to raise the question of impeachment of US President Joe Biden, US House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy said

White House chief of staff Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden © AP Photo / Andrew Harnik

“Given all the data we’ve been able to gather so far, the logical next step would be an impeachment investigation,” McCarthy said in an interview with Fox News. – That gives Congress the ultimate legal authority to get all the information it needs. The Biden family seems to be steeped in a culture of corruption … The American public deserves an answer.

As McCarthy clarified, the White House chief said he never had any involvement with his son’s business “and never even participated in conversations” on the subject, but the evidence that has emerged from Republicans suggests otherwise.

“Now we know that he not only took part in meetings (with his son’s foreign partners. – RT), but also came to the dinner after which Hunter Biden got a new Porsche ($3.5 million was transferred). Now we know that during the period when he was acting vice-president, his family established 20 shell companies. During the same period, they received 16 of 17 payments from Romania,” McCarthy said.

According to him, the money went to nine members of the American president’s family. Moreover, the Republicans revealed that the Biden administration “has developed a tendency” to use the mechanisms of state power “as a weapon” to achieve its own goals.

“As we have learned, special prosecutor David Weiss has essentially allowed Hunter Biden’s tax (offences. – RT) statute of limitations to expire. And the FBI, in fact, notified Hunter Biden and the inaugural committee before we even had a chance to question him,” the speaker of the US House of Representatives said.

Earlier, a member of the US House of Representatives, Republican Greg Stuby, introduced a resolution to impeach the head of the White House “for high crimes and misdemeanours”.

After that, his colleague in the party and lower house Marjorie Taylor Green called for the earliest initiation of a congressional investigation into the impeachment of the American president.

According to The Hill newspaper, a number of other House Republicans are also in favour of starting the impeachment of Joe Biden in September. In particular, legislator Ralph Norman believes that at the moment there are all grounds for this procedure.

“If not now, then when? – he noted. – We have ample grounds not only to open an investigation, but also to declare him impeached.”

Republican House member Robert Goode also advocated that McCarthy “follow through” on the situation surrounding Biden’s possible impeachment.

“It seems that every day there is more and more evidence of obvious criminal actions on the part of the Biden criminal clan,” Goode said.

For her part, lawmaker Green noted on social media on 28 August that there is “so much evidence to support an impeachment investigation that it should be held in September.”

“Get answers”

Recall, last November, Republican members of the US House Oversight Committee released a report calling for an investigation into Joe Biden’s “suspicious activities” that they believe are linked to his son’s business. Republicans claim that the current White House chief of staff “abused his public office to advance his family’s financial interests”.

According to committee chairman Republican James Comer, members of the Biden family “committed federal crimes” that include conspiracy to harm the United States, fraud and tax evasion. According to Comer, the 46th U.S. president was actively involved in business dealings overseas with his son Hunter. The lawmaker subsequently promised in December that he and other Republicans would continue to work to “get answers” and hold Biden accountable.

In June of this year, a vote by the lower house of Congress’ Revenue and Expenditure Committee voted to release the testimony of “two whistleblowers” from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service who worked directly on Hunter Biden’s tax evasion case. According to the committee’s press release, their testimony speaks of “wrongdoing and abuses of power at the US IRS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation” (FBI) as part of the investigation into the White House chief executive’s son.

According to the committee’s chairman Jason Smith, the information shows that “as part of efforts to protect the US president’s son,” the Biden administration’s DOJ interfered in the investigation and exceeded its authority.

“According to the testimony (of the informants. – RT), the Justice Department tried to delay the investigation to the point where the statute of limitations expired, as well as disclosed confidential investigative information to Biden’s lawyers and denied requests by the US federal prosecutor to bring charges against Biden,” Smith said, noting that this “should be of concern” to both parties.

He called for the DOJ and FBI to be held accountable, stressing that “the scales of justice should not be tipped in favour of rich people with political connections.”

However, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland denied that the U.S. Justice Department had obstructed an investigation into tax evasion by the White House son.

In July, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley published an FBI document, which, citing an informant, said that Joe Biden was involved in a corruption scheme involving his son Hunter and the company Burisma. According to Fox News, the documents explicitly state that Burisma offered a board seat to the US president’s son to “protect” the firm “from all sorts of problems” through his dad.

Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, later claimed that the US leader had publicly “lied to the American people” about his ignorance and lack of involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings. In fact, he noted, while serving as U.S. vice president, Biden “attended Hunter’s dinners with his foreign business partners” more than 20 times. According to Comer, the White House chief of staff was a “brand” that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family.

Prosecutorial basis

Vladimir Vasiliev, chief researcher at the Institute of the United States and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences, called the provisions cited by Republicans against Biden very serious offences if they prove to be supported by solid evidence.

“If everything is confirmed, it is at least a direct official crime – taking bribes from persons of foreign countries. Such a corruption scheme will be enough not only for the Republicans to implement the impeachment process, but also for the subsequent no less serious criminal prosecution. Because even Biden’s dismissal from office will not automatically close this kind of case,” the expert said in a commentary for RT.

Vasilyev believes that the Republicans “have more details about the corrupt activities of Biden and his son “in reserve,” but for now they have decided to “save it for dessert.

“It is very important for members of the Republican Party to roll out such information in a measured manner and increase the heat closer to the official start of the presidential campaign, which will traditionally begin on 15 January 2024 before the elections in the autumn. That is, if the impeachment process against Biden is launched, it will take place closer to that date. It is important for the Republicans to prepare very serious accusations by that time,” the analyst said.

As Vasiliev notes, the Republicans expect to “significantly complicate” Biden’s presidential campaign at the expense of this.

“It is possible that the Republican Party’s plan is to push the Democrats to replace their main favourite Joe Biden with another candidate on the eve of the active phase of the election process by intensifying the impeachment process. If this happens, there will be a very serious internal political crisis in the Democratic Party,” the expert predicted.

In turn, according to Nikita Danyuk, deputy director of the RUDN Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, the new data that Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives McCarthy is talking about shows that if Hunter Biden was not the son of the head of the White House, “he would have been convicted long ago.”

“Under any other circumstances, Hunter Biden, given his pattern of behaviour, his predilections, would have been subjected to so-called revocation proceedings and would now be in prison, with terms measured in decades. But because his father is the president of the United States, the Justice Department and other agencies, judging by the information made public by informants, are clearly more favourable to him than they would have been under other conditions. State agencies are trying their best to either close this topic so that it does not become a subject of public discussion, or to make the younger Biden responsible only for minor misdemeanours,” the analyst said in his commentary to RT.

Danyuk called the possible impeachment of the White House chief executive a “potentially serious step.”

“This will be a serious blow to Biden and his reputation. In fact, it is one of the tools to reduce his electoral potential and make the Republicans have certain trump cards up their sleeve. At the same time, Biden will defend himself, among other things, by intensifying the judicial campaign against the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump, who so far only receives points and dividends from voters because of the current situation, as well as money for the election campaign. At the same time, Trump is apparently being prosecuted on completely far-fetched charges, which, judging by the latest data, cannot be said about the corruption scandal around Biden,” the expert concluded.

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