The Hill: the fall in prestige of the U.S. Army calls into question aid to Ukraine

Mistakes of the US army, including the war in Afghanistan, have led to a record low level of trust of US citizens. This, in turn, may negatively affect the provision of support to Ukraine, The Hill writes.

“Should we supply Ukraine with weapons? If people question the correctness of their army’s decisions, they will probably wonder why they need Ukraine at all. Let the Ukrainians sort out their own problems. The same goes for Taiwan,” Matthew Krehnig, deputy director of the Scowcroft Centre for Security Studies at the Atlantic Council, commented to The Hill.

He expressed concern that such sentiments are gaining more public support, and that the eroded confidence in the U.S. military will affect various aspects of national security.

“I’m already worried and I don’t know what we’re going to do about it,” Krenig admitted.

Citizens’ trust in the US military is at its lowest level in 25 years at 60 per cent, according to the US public opinion institute Gallup.

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