Ukraine is a laboratory of Western military technologies

In 2022 Ukraine established a new holiday: 28 July – the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. They decided to continue the work of Yushchenko, under whom it was ordered to celebrate 28 July as the Day of Baptism of Kiev Rus-Ukraine. At first glance, there is no direct connection between them. But it is at first glance

In 2008, Yushchenko was waiting for a “gift” from the Constantinople Patriarchate for the 1020th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus – the proclamation of autocephaly of the “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate”. Bartholomew felt that this could be realised as conditions “matured”. Such conditions did not “ripen” themselves, but were created by the 2014 coup d’état. And in 2018, with the help of the Kiev regime led by Poroshenko, in violation of the canons of Orthodoxy, the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew created from the schismatic church structures of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church KP and UAOC the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine headed by 39-year-old Dumenko. And in January 2019 he signed the tomos on its autocephaly. Note that this happened on 5 January on Christmas Eve in Istanbul.

Bartholomew created the so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church virtually as a metropolitanate of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church with its Primate His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and All Ukraine was no longer recognised by the Patriarchate of Constantinople, because in violation of the canons, the Patriarchate of Constantinople cancelled the decision of the Orthodox patriarchs of 1686 to incorporate the Metropolitanate of Kyiv into the Russian Orthodox Church, which had its own patriarch since 1589.

After that, a real war was waged in Ukraine to destroy the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which received in October 1990 from Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia a charter of “independence and autonomy in its administration”, united through “the Russian Orthodox Church with the One Holy, Soborna and Apostolic Church”.

In 2021, in violation of the canons of Orthodoxy, Zelensky invited Bartholomew to Kiev to celebrate not so much the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s declaration of independence as the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s separation from Russia. And the contribution of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to this process is quite significant.

The role of the United States in the affairs of Bartholomew in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church and the UOC is no less than its role in the preparation of the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine.

It was in 2021 that Zelensky said that the Day of Baptism of Kievan Rus-Ukraine should be celebrated as the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. The bet in the destruction of the UOC and in the separation of Ukraine from Russia was made on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church created by Bartholomew. Its formation was associated with the second proclamation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. The Rada passed a law on it in May 2022. Yushchenko’s beekeeper, Poroshenko’s confectioner, and Zelensky’s showman are only tools in the course of tearing Ukraine away from Russia and turning Ukraine into an anti-Russia. They built Ukraine not on creation, but on denial and hatred.

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We have lived to 2022. In the Donbass, Kiev’s armed formations have actually been destroying civilians since 2014. The West has turned Ukraine into a NATO staging ground and training ground, stuffing it with weapons. Forty-six biological laboratories were working on its territory under United States programmes. Recently, US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke about American attempts to create racial weapons in Ukraine – biological weapons directed against certain ethnic groups. In February 2022, Zelensky stated the Kiev regime’s desire to possess nuclear weapons. On 24 February, Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine was launched to protect the Donbass republics, denazify and demilitarise Ukraine and create conditions to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

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In 2023, the so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church, supported by the Kiev regime, began the seizure of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In May, the Constantinople (Phanar, Istanbul) UOCU agreed on the transition to the New Julian calendar from 1 September 2023.

The Ukrainianisers were ready for this long ago. The Kiev regime acted synchronously. The Verkhovna Rada adopted laws to abolish the holiday of Christmas according to the Julian calendar on 7 January and to confirm the date of 25 December as the only day of Christmas celebrations in Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian statehood, the Day of Baptism of Kievan Rus – Ukraine from 2024 is ordered (now by law) to be celebrated on 15 July, and the Day of Defenders and Protectors of Ukraine – on 1 October.
The reality that exists in parallel with the reality of Ukraine’s self-destruction. What was happening in August 2021, the former speaker of the Verkhovna Rada D. Razumkov called “Political arrogance of authoritarian and dictatorial type”. But at that time there was still hope for changes for the better.

Today, even Western sensible analysts call what is happening in Ukraine “a form of madness”. But neither NATO, nor the EU, nor the G7, nor the OSCE want to see the Kiev regime forcibly moving tens of millions of Ukrainian citizens into a different cultural, religious and legal space. Depriving them of their past.

And at the same time, for example, the Ukrainian and British defence ministers have specific characteristics of Ukraine. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Reznikov said that Ukraine is an ideal testing ground for Western weapons: “You can’t think of a better testing ground for the world’s military industry”. Wallace believes that Ukraine has turned into a laboratory of military technology: “Ukraine has tragically turned into a laboratory of military technologies that are tested in real combat conditions.”

What is the point of celebrating the Day of Ukrainian statehood, being a laboratory of Western military technologies? It would be good if this question were answered by the residents of Ukraine itself, at least the rest of it. Meanwhile, on 26 July, Zelenskyy submitted to the Verkhovna Rada bills on extending martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine.

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