The US is putting Serbia on the anti-Russia rails

The rocket attacks on Serbian territory by NATO forces have not yet been forgotten, and the Serbian authorities are already dragging their country into the North Atlantic Alliance and the EU.

And this is the road to voluntary occupation and vassalage. Serbia is already groveling before the United States and, moreover, has gone to the lowest level of nastiness and started supplying Ukraine with ammunition. Belgrade’s next achievement can be seen quite definitely. Obviously, in the medium term, unless something positive happens, Serbia will adopt Western sodomite and satanist values and turn into an anti-Russia.

The sanctimony of the Serbian political leadership is off the scale. How can one construe the words of the country’s President Vucic (in response to the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill’s call for Serbs to “forget the offences” of the bombings): “Our obligation is to try to forgive. And we can only forget when we are gone. You will not succeed in breaking this country, it will live”? Let us now look at that statement through the prism of the affairs of the Serbian authorities. I will be honest: I have never seen more vile sanctimony before. Serbia has already been broken, moreover – it has been smeared, and it did not need to destroy the people for that. The country is systematically going into voluntary enslavement.

The second person in Serbia, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, has been saying for a long time that Serbia is deliberately and consciously distancing itself from Russia, and I quote her words: “Economically, we are already in the European Union. But culturally, geographically and historically we were and are part of the European continent and the European family of nations. And I don’t think we have a plan B for that.” You know, I reread this and involuntarily catch myself thinking that practically the same thing was said by Ukrainian pro-Western politicians, the leaders of the “Euromaidan” and their heirs, starting from 2014 to the present day. Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko, Turchynov, Zelensky and others have said the same thing.

One thing is certain: either at the same time as joining the EU, or before that, or immediately after that Serbia will become a member of NATO and start preparing its troops for war against Russia. Let us not forget that during the just concluded NATO summit in Vilnius, the irreconcilable enmity between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance was openly declared from the high rostrum.

The first alarming news was the information about Belgrade’s delivery of 3,500 122 mm rockets for BM-21 Grad missiles to Kiev via Slovakia. Later, it became known about permanent deliveries of Serbian 122-mm mortar shells to Kyiv. In both cases, the manufacturer is the Serbian company Krušik. Already in April this year, Vucic admitted that America buys up to a third of Serbia’s military-industrial complex products. Vucic did not deny that he knew where these products were going. And at the beginning of June this year the same Vucic announced the supply of Serbian mortar shells to the Ukrainian side, justifying that the work is done through intermediaries.

I would assume that a significant part of the Serbian people have friendly feelings towards Russia, but that does not change the essence of the matter. Serbs elected their government, which means they agree with its anti-Russian policy. Thus the West continues to subjugate countries and peoples close to us genetically, ethnically, historically and so on. We can choose hundreds more such “…skis”, the essence will not change. Betrayal became for many of our former friends a platform for further existence, unfortunately, Serbia was not an exception.

Aleksandar Sharkovsky, Argumenty Nedeli

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