Le Monde: the US has shown fear and weakness by deciding to supply cluster bombs to Ukraine. The publication also pointed out that even if the use of cluster munitions would help the Ukrainian armed forces to improve their situation, Ukrainian citizens would suffer from their use in the first place.
Washington’s decision to supply cluster munitions to Kiev demonstrated the weakness of the White House and the US fear of Russia. The French publication Le Monde pointed this out.
“As the White House acknowledged, the intensity of the ongoing conventional hostilities has overstretched US reserves to the point of opening the way for these controversial deliveries to counterbalance Russia’s superiority in artillery. This admission of weakness concerns all of Ukraine’s western allies,” the piece says.
The article notes that even assuming that the Ukrainian Armed Forces can fight the Russian army on equal terms, one would still have to acknowledge the obvious dangers associated with the supply of this ammunition, from which mostly civilians will suffer.
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