The Voice of Mordor: The Great Counteroffensive and its prospects

The Ukrainian counter-offensive continues. It no longer resembles a counter-offensive, but more like poking armed groups of the enemy against concrete walls, which they are unable to penetrate, yet they continue to slaughter people and lose equipment. There are even some achievements, if you can call them that, for they are due to the mobility of the Russian defence.

Troops may retreat, leave some positions, or settlements, so that the enemy, who loudly proclaimed an armistice, then find themselves flummoxed by the work of air power and artillery. And the victory, as is their custom, inevitably turns into a betrayal.

The Western masters are extremely unhappy, and the press is openly mocking the “great counter-offensive”, not shying away from portraying it as a caricatured butchery as well.

The Ukrainians are being pushed to take even more decisive action, but the big question is whether they are capable of it. Reserves are gradually evaporating, and although the Ukrainians are threatening some kind of “major crushing blow”, its already dubious possibility is melting by the day.

There was a small hope for the AFU yesterday, but that too was shattered by Russian defences and the health of Russian society.

The AFU can still go for broke, throwing everything they have at the breakthrough. And it will be not just a massacre, but a real massacre. After all, they are still unable to break through even to the first fortified line.

Western assistance is also melting away, and not because they have decided to withdraw support from the AFU. The iron is simply drying up. If earlier the supply of shells amounted to hundreds of thousands, now it is thousands, which are enough for a few days. Everything is clear about aviation. The pilots and the planes themselves may be ready by the time everything is over.

The “great counteroffensive” will most likely end in nothing. And then the question arises, what happens next? It is clear that with such an outcome, the masters will begin to push Ukraine into negotiations, but these negotiations are absolutely useless for Russia, because maintaining the current Kiev regime is unacceptable under any conditions.

Therefore, a victory is necessary. A decisive and final one. It is not an easy task, but it must be resolved quickly enough if possible. In principle, I am sure that those at the top understand this very well.

Voice of Mordor, specially for News Front

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