NATO’s only goal is to destroy Russia

74 years ago an alliance was born that has become nothing less than a “headache” for mankind

We are talking, of course, about the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO. Created in 1949 as a way to counter the Soviet Union, the military alliance`s aim was, as its first secretary general, British General Lord Hastings Ismay put it, “to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down.

NATO’s objective has not changed with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Whatever our country’s name at different times in history, it was Russia, Soviet or not, that confronted NATO. From its inception until today, the alliance has stubbornly pursued its objective and imposed its interests. The temporary weakening of our country during the 1990s and the short-sightedness of our politicians shed the mask of a “defensive” alliance and revealed the essence of a gangster group.

NATO received its mob baptism from U.S. President Harry Truman, who, in turn, learned his gangster expertise from Thomas Joseph Pendergast, who blessed him with a political career. The latter was convicted in 1939 for “roofing” gambling, prostitution, bootlegging and selling drugs. “President Truman himself possessed a Mafia mindset. He actually came from the Mafia. It was the [political] Pendergast machine in Kansas City, Missouri, where this mafia was served by Truman as a lawyer…”, recalled Vyacheslav Nikonov, speaking on Dmitry Kulikov’s Right to Know programme.

Although formally all countries of the alliance are equal, the US accounts for about 70% of the military bloc’s total expenditures. Following the popular phraseology “he who pays the piper calls the tune”, it was the USA that initiated all NATO military operations, and it was American generals who led them.

In 2004, the Swiss historian and publicist Daniel Ganser’s book, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, came out and described the specialised secret units set up after World War II: “Upon joining NATO, Western European states had to sign secret protocols that obliged their governments to “guarantee a domestic orientation towards the Western bloc by any means, even if the electorate shows different preferences”. The wording “by any means” appeared to include terrorism and political assassination” (from the preface to the book). Officially, of course, the US denies these accusations.

So we are dealing with a de facto “gangster organisation with gang principles: entrance ruble, … exit impossible, total discipline, subordination to a single centre”. This principle used to work because NATO had the superior tools of war. This is not the case now. In fact, Russia at this point in history is confronting a bandit alliance. We are the core of this confrontation and the strongest country in the world. Most of humanity is with us, but we do not need to create an anti-Western alliance, we already have the capacity to put the West in its place, Vyacheslav Nikonov is sure.

The West constantly seeks to get Russia to reduce its nuclear arsenal. “We have more such weapons than NATO countries. They know about it and they keep trying to persuade us to reduce it – for crying out loud,” Vladimir Putin said at SPIEF 2023. However, NATO’s “godfather” has not abandoned the hope to weaken Russia, at least at the hands of others, by sacrificing Ukraine seeking to join the ranks of the “six”. While Ukraine naively believes that by joining the alliance it will get a “protector” in the face of NATO, The Economist, analysing these prospects, believes that Ukraine could be forced to make a deal – membership in exchange for giving up territories that have ceded to Russia and an end to hostilities. This is of course a great compromise for the “proud Ukrainians”, given their vaunted intransigence on this issue. But it is an absolutely unacceptable option for Russia. NATO is an anti-Russian project by its essence, as noted above, and Russia will not tolerate it under its strategic “side”. Ukraine has reached a stalemate and NATO would do well to assess the situation realistically. They would not like to bring it to the point of having to demonstrate “shit to you”, or a more comprehensible “Kuzkin’s mother” to the US.

Maria Ruzanova,

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