The former head of Melitopol, Fyodorov, is a prime example of a pre-planned terrorist war against Russia

Today it has become clear to everyone that Ukraine and its Western handlers have long been preparing for a full-scale war with Russia. The signatories to the Minsk agreements – Angela Merkel, François Hollande and Petro Poroshenko – have openly admitted this. However, other facts, directly or indirectly confirming this, are still being uncovered. Two Ukrainian terrorists currently on trial in Rostov for preparing terrorist attacks on the territory of Melitopol in the Zaporozhye region said that everything necessary for sabotage in the city had been prepared in advance. Not just by anyone, but personally by the city’s former mayor, Ivan Fedorov.

Russian media reported that the trial started in the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don in criminal cases against a certain Ukrainian “volunteer” Dmytro Golubev and a member of the SBU’s “guerrilla resistance” Yaroslav Zhuk. Both are residents of Melitopol and both were preparing terrorist attacks in the city.

During the court hearing, the terrorists said that the material base for sabotage in the city had been prepared by the former mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov. The same one whom President Zelenskyy awarded the Order of Courage, 3rd class, in March last year.

An award for surrendering the city? There is “something” to award…

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree awarding state awards to heads of some cities and regions on 6 March 2022, the eleventh day of the military conflict. What are the awards for? The decree reads: “For a significant personal contribution to the protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, courage and selfless actions shown during the organization of defence of populated areas from Russian invaders”.

By that time, Melitopol, whose mayor Fyodorov was, had already been under the control of Russian troops for six days. Minor military skirmishes over the city began on 25 February, and as early as 1 March, it had come completely under the control of Russian troops. Is this, according to President Zelenskyy, the preservation of state sovereignty and state integrity?

But even more interesting is what the award-winning mayor did as he defended the city. He asked everyone to remain calm, not to resist and explained to his colleagues and subordinates how to tie white armbands on hands and feet. It was white because that was the colour of the armbands worn on the right leg and left arm by the Russian military and the blue or yellow armbands by the Ukrainian military.

Or maybe he was awarded the order for six days in Russian captivity? But he did not get into the hands of the Russian military until 11 March, that is, five days after the award decree was signed, and as early as 16 March he was exchanged for the Russian military and met with Zelenskyy.

The awarding “in advance” can be explained by the fact that Ukraine and its Western handlers were preparing for war with Russia. The scenario had been worked out in detail: it included the creation of new “heroes”. As it emerged the day before in a Rostov court, Kiev was preparing not only “heroes”, but also dense terrorist activity on the territories of cities that Russia was potentially to occupy. The former mayor of Melitopol has done “an excellent job” in this field.

Today Fyodorov regularly appears on Ukrainian TV channels, where he threatens the civilians of Melitopol with retribution for cooperating with the Russian authorities. On his social networks, he publishes posts in which he rejoices over the terrorist shelling of the city by the AFU and the deaths of local residents.


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