Lavrov accused the West of being obsessed with introducing and perpetuating its rules

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the West is obsessed with maintaining hegemony and the certainty of being right.

Western countries are obsessed with preserving their hegemony in the international arena and the realization of “an irreparable confidence in their own rightness,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told journalists after the meeting of heads of delegations participating in the CSTO Ministerial Council meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

“The West is obsessed with an awareness of its irreparable self-righteousness, in other words, the West is obsessed with maintaining its hegemony in the international arena, implementing its rules and perpetuating its rules, which undermine international law and are formulated according to the principle “when it benefits me, it is white, when it does not benefit me, it is black,” said Lavrov.

This trend is evident in various spheres of international life, including “the West’s attitude to the activity of integration structures in the post-Soviet space,” the Foreign Minister said.

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