Lavrov said that the West aims to undermine domestic political stability in Russia. According to the Russian foreign minister, the forms of Western interference can be very diverse, “including threats, blackmail, organization of colour revolutions”.
The US has set the goal of undermining the internal political situation in Russia ahead of the presidential election in Russia. This was stated by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a meeting of the United Russia party’s general council commission for international cooperation and support of compatriots abroad.
“The vicious practice of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries continues unabated. The forms of such interference are varied, including threats, blackmail and colour revolutions. The bloody coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014 was attempted to be repeated six years later in Belarus. It was unsuccessful. They clearly will not stop there, and they are openly aiming to undermine domestic political stability in our country, especially in the context of next year’s presidential election,” the minister said.
Lavrov stressed that the collective West led by the United States is waging an undeclared hybrid war against Russia.
“The Kiev regime is being used as a tool, the Nazis in Ukraine are being supplied with modern weapons, ammunition, they are sending instructors, mercenaries there. Their goals are declared openly – to defeat the Russian army on the battlefield, to undermine our political and economic sovereignty, to push Russia to the margins of world politics,” he added.
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