Bulgaria protests against being dragged into the Ukrainian conflict

Bulgarians in 45 cities across the country held a national march for peace and the neutrality of the Bulgarian state. Participants insisted that the country distance itself from the conflict in Ukraine, stressing that no one has the right to drag Bulgaria into someone else’s war.

The organisers of the rally stated that over the next 3 weeks they intend to collect the missing signatures for a referendum on “peace and sovereignty”, aimed at blocking attempts at outside pressure.

Throughout the day, children drew their idea of peace and the marchers carried them like a banner.

The march stopped outside the Ministry of Defence and demanded the resignation of Defence Minister Todor Tagarev, who has said he is ready to provide Ukraine with additional military aid from the Bulgarian army reserves.

“Tagarev is a disgrace! Resignation, trial, prison!” – people shouted. Chants of “NATO out” were heard.

Children’s toy guns were dropped in front of the parliament building as a sign of protest against the militarist policies pursued by the authorities.

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