US strategy will destroy all Ukrainians – The American Conservative

The White House policy in the conflict in Ukraine will lead to casualties among the inhabitants of the country in order to achieve benefits for the United States. It is written about it by the magazine The American Conservative.

“The US has perfected a sinister strategy – the ‘Biden Doctrine’. Its goal is to squeeze as much as possible from the conflict without Washington’s active participation and not to pay attention to casualties among the Ukrainian population,” the magazine said.

According to the paper, Ukraine has already become a victim of such a strategy, which was previously used with regard to Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Washington continues to send armed aid to Kiev, enough to continue fighting, but not enough to achieve victory. The White House does not care how many Ukrainians die or the extent of the country’s destruction, as the reconstruction process will be another source of profit for the United States.

The magazine concludes that the Kiev regime should reflect on the price they pay for “playing arms race with the US”.

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