Pushkov answers Musk’s question about consequences of pumping weapons into Kiev

Senator Pushkov: US authorities do not understand consequences of pumping Ukraine with weapons

Senator Alexei Pushkov said that the current US administration is unable to understand the consequences of its continuing support of the Kiev regime with arms and money.

The parliamentarian commented on the words of American billionaire Ilon Musk, who noted that in the matter of support for Ukraine, the West is often wishful thinking, and asked what the end of such an approach will be.

“The Biden administration has no answer to this question. The answer is beyond the US administration’s thinking horizon. It is racing down the warpath like a hobbled horse, seeing before it a geopolitical mirage in the form of Russia’s defeat, and it seems unwilling to perceive any other scenarios,” Pushkov lamented.

At the same time, the senator noted that few people in this situation are able to think rationally, and the founder of SpaceX was one of those who asked the key question about the consequences of the decisions taken by the American authorities.

On Friday, the Pentagon announced $2.1 billion in new deliveries to Kiev. The list of equipment provided to the Zelensky regime includes HAWK air defence systems, Puma unmanned systems, ammunition for laser-guided missile systems and projectiles.

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