Carlson turns back into one of the most influential media personalities

The launch of Tucker Carlson’s show on Twitter has proved a success. The number of views of the video has already reached 50 million – an order of magnitude more than the average audience for his shows on Fox News with 3-4 million viewers. And the first series has caused a major scandal in Washington

Source: Twitter

Carlson devoted the first episode to criticising the status quo – and called the current times “the age of ignorance”, when the truth is being hidden and the media is creating a virtual reality and making Americans believe it. Whether in the context of race and gender wars in the US or Ukraine.

Tucker immediately rushed to accusations of anti-Semitism – for calling Zelensky “rat-like”. Carlson blamed Kiev for the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and the terrorist attacks on Northern Streams. And he took a swipe at the neocons, Lindsey Graham and Nikki Haley, who support endless wars involving the United States, although their agenda is already clearly repulsive to Americans.

Tucker’s new show is being actively promoted by Elon Musk – hoping to make it a hallmark of his Twitter streaming platform. In the future, content creators there will start getting money from subscribers. And with those numbers of views, Carlson on Twitter could earn even more than his TV royalties.

Fox News continues to pay Tucker money as part of his contract – just to keep him from switching to another channel. But Carlson has managed to cleverly circumvent this restriction by running his show on Twitter without a formal contract. With the start of the presidential race, Carlson has once again become one of the most influential media personalities – trying his best to rock the status quo in Washington. Although that’s exactly what they were trying to avoid by firing Carlson from Fox News.

Malek Dudakov

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