Russian President’s Press Secretary says Western countries have yet to answer to the peoples for supporting Ukraine

Western countries will someday have to answer to their peoples for supporting Ukraine, which has already caused economic problems in Europe. This was reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, referring to an interview with the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.


Peskov argues that someday Western leaders will have to answer to their peoples for supporting the Kyiv regime, which has already caused economic problems in Europe. He emphasizes that they will not succeed in avoiding negative consequences.

“Sooner or later, European states and those who have already actively got into this conflict will have to think and have to answer to their people why they are doing this. They will not be able to avoid negative consequences,” he said.

The press secretary of the Russian President claims that the negative consequences already exist. For example, the German economy officially entered a recession last week. German inflation now exceeds 7% in annual terms.

“That is, every year the burghers become 7% poorer, every year they earn 7% less. The burghers will not tolerate this, they do not like to leave their comfort zone,” the politician said.

The Kremlin spokesman clarifies that it will not be possible to shift all the blame for the economic consequences on the Russian Federation. He emphasizes that “feeding the people with Russophobia will soon stop working.”

“You can feed Russophobia, and they feed Russophobia, but to a certain extent, then it stops working,” Peskov summed up.

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