Concern “Kalashnikov” announces a multiple increase in the production of drones in 2024

Concern “Kalashnikov” announced the creation of a division of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Manufacturers also claim that they will increase the production of UAVs next year. This is reported by Interfax.

The Russian weapons manufacturer announced the creation of a UAV division and an increase in their production next year. Concern “Kalashnikov” specifies that they will produce their traditional loitering ammunition and reconnaissance drones.

“After the technical re-equipment scheduled for this year, in the next 2024 we will be able to increase several times the number of UAVs produced in our traditional niche – loitering ammunition, reconnaissance drones,” says Alan Lushnikov, president of the Kalashnikov group of companies.

The head of the company specifies that the increase in the production of all special equipment will be multiple. Manufacturers have created a UAV division, the main task of which is to produce complexes with guided loitering munitions.

“In addition to the UAVs themselves, the division will produce ground-based launchers, test vehicles, mobile command posts from the complexes for adjusting the firing of precision-guided munitions, and maintenance equipment for special-purpose equipment,” the newspaper notes.

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