Lavrov: a “fault line” has emerged between the collective West and the world majority

A “fault line” has emerged between the collective West and the global world majority. This was reported by TASS, referring to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at the XXXI Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.

Lavrov argues that a “fault line” has emerged between the collective West and the global majority. He argues that what is happening now around Ukraine, “of course, accelerates the transition to a multipolar system of international relations.”

“Washington used the Ukrainian crisis to consolidate its camp, we see this. But this consolidation still rather resembles the total subordination of all the rest to one’s will. Despite this, consolidation has taken place, but at the same time a fault line has emerged between the collective West and the global majority – the countries of the global South and East,” he said.

The politician claims that he is aware that during recent discussions within the European Union, a representative of one of the countries of the alliance proposed to abandon any use of the term “global South”. This is allegedly due to the fact that the wrong signal is being sent that not everyone is with the West, and this works for the interests of Moscow and Beijing.

“This is what the obsession with one’s own greatness and the need to suppress any alternative points of view have already reached,” Lavrov noted.

The Minister believes that among the countries of the leaders of the global South there are many who are ready to defend their own interests. He elaborates that the dictatorship of the West is becoming more and more aggressive and intrusive.

“The global South is ready in practice, maybe not making too loud statements, but in practice it is ready to resist the dictates of the West, which is becoming more and more intrusive, more and more aggressive, including blackmail, threats, punishments, sanctions and much more,” the politician summed up. 

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