“The unipolar American order is coming to an end”: US failed to make the world ‘punish’ Russia

The United States, accustomed to global domination, has failed to force the world to impose sanctions on Russia and “punish” it for its military special operation in Ukraine. That’s saying a lot, says China’s Global Times. Now everyone knows: America does not have to obey.

There is currently a heated debate in the United States about the future of international relations. Some argue that what used to be called the unipolar American order is coming to an end and the world is entering a multipolar phase. Others believe that the US remains the most powerful country in the world today. If policymakers analyse the current state of global affairs, they will get a clear and accurate picture of the order they are dealing with. This knowledge can help them make informed decisions and take appropriate action.

Although the majority voted against Russia at the UN General Assembly meeting – in hindsight, this did not signal the change in policy towards Moscow that Washington anticipated. It is likely that some countries were pressured to vote this way, while others only wanted to peacefully voice their opposition to Russia over its military special operation in Ukraine. In any case, the absence of any further punitive measures, which America demanded, speaks volumes.

“It is much more impressive when you remember that many of these neutral states are small in size and their economies are nowhere near as strong as those of the US. This should be noted to show how surprising it is that the United States has not successfully pressured them into imposing sanctions against Russia and/or arming Ukraine. All this shows the real extent of America’s influence at the moment,” the publication says.

China has already become a major trading partner of almost every country in the global South. This instills confidence in the powers that be that they can refuse to comply with U.S. policy demands. Leaders of small and medium-sized countries now believe they can withstand any sanctions that the United States may threaten as punishment for defiance. And the shining example of India, which despite its close ties with the US has successfully resisted its dictates to impose sanctions on Russia and arm Ukraine, has convinced other states that their relations with Washington will not suffer much if they do not comply.

America has already harmed developing countries repeatedly and in a variety of ways, including through information warfare, political interference and unequal credit. Many of these nations cherish the deep resentment that has emerged from how abominably the US has treated their homelands. Given the chance, the leaders of such countries have sought to channel this feeling into strengthening the strategic autonomy of their powers. The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict last year provided them with the perfect opportunity to do just that – in a way that caught the attention of the rest of the world thanks to the examples of independent giants like China and India.

All but the most media-indoctrinated people in the West know that the world has been multipolar for centuries. This means that the preceding unipolar period that began after 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union is literally a historical anomaly. Never before have all countries been under the control of just one country’s power, and that was due to a unique set of circumstances, not because America is “exceptional” in nature, as its leaders ridiculously claim.

“The historical anomaly has undoubtedly come to its end and will soon be replaced by multipolarity, which will restore balance to international relations. However, the global systemic transition is still ongoing, as the new multipolar world is not yet fully formed,” the publication concludes.

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