Fights for teerritories liberated by Russia (May 10, updated)


10:48 Blagodatnoe is under fire from Ukrainian militants. According to the DPR JCCC, 7 shells with a caliber of 155 millimeters were fired.

10:30 Village of the mine named after. N. A. Izotova came under the fire of AFU (Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka).

10:26 As a result of the Ukrainian armed aggression, the village of Shirokaya Balka (the Central City district of Gorlovka) is partially de-energized.

10:21 Footage of the destruction of a hangar with AFU equipment (BMP-1, Dingo ATF armored vehicles, YPR-765 armored personnel carrier, Kozak-7) on the right bank of the Kherson region.

10:05 Fighting on the Zaporozhye front: the Russian army destroys the strongholds and militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the eve of the expected offensive of the enemy, the fighting in the Zaporozhye direction of the southern front is still positional in nature, our intelligence is searching for targets, and artillery is destroying enemy positions, equipment and Nazis.

09:59 Combat work of artillery of the 1st Donetsk Army Corps. Fire is corrected with the help of UAVs.

09:27 At night, artillery fire in the area of settlement Engineering in the Kherson direction destroyed 122 mm. SAU 2S1 “Gvozdika” with a crew of 5 people and ammunition

Yesterday, artillery fire in the area of settlement Ponyatovka Kherson region destroyed 120 mm mortar crew and ammunition for it, the loss of 5 dead soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 3 were injured of varying severity

09:05 The criminal Kiev regime continues to shell the civilian infrastructure of the settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region, yesterday during the day the Armed Forces of Ukraine were fired from barrel artillery:

– according to settlement New Kakhovka fired 12 shells;

– 9 shells were fired at Alyoshki settlement;

– 9 shells were fired at the settlement of Gola Pristan;

– according to n.p. Sagas fired 5 projectiles;

– according to settlement Cossack camps fired 7 shells;

– according to settlement The Dnieper fired 4 shells;

– according to settlement Korsunka fired 6 shells;

– according to settlement Peschanovka fired 5 shells;

Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure to be confirmed

During the night, the Kiev regime continued to shell civilian infrastructure in the settlement New Kakhovka, settlement Kakhovka, settlement Korsunka, settlement Alyoshki, settlement Tavriysk, firing a total of 28 shells from cannon artillery.

Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure to be confirmed

09:01 Yesterday militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked a school in Nova Kakhovka. Even on the day of the Great Victory, Novaya Kakhovka was shelled by Ukrainian militants – the arrival was recorded in the school yard.

08:57 The DPR representative office in the JCCC reports 45 facts of firing from the AFU per day. The enemy fired from MLRS, 155 and 152 mm artillery, firing 208 units of various ammunition across the territory of the DPR.

Under the fire of the VFU were: Gorlovka, Ozeryanovka, Shirokaya Balka, Yasinovataya, Donetsk, Makeevka, Aleksandrovka, Yelenovka, Novopetrikovka, Oktyabrskoye, Vladimirovka.

Over the past day, information was received about the wounding of a civilian in the previously liberated Oktyabrsky.

08:17 Information on the shelling of Gorlovka as of 08:00 on May 10, 2023