Nuclear weapons as a defence against attack: US vs Russia and North Korea

North Korea’s Central Telegraph Agency says US plans to deploy nuclear submarines and other strategic weapons in South Korea bring the peninsula to the brink of nuclear war

Washington has been dreaming of conquering North Korea since the Japanese occupation of the peninsula. After American troops liberated South Korea from the Japanese and North Korea from the Soviets, the US was stymied by the Soviet line of defence. The Soviet commanders understood that under the pretext of liberating all of Korea from the Japanese, the Americans wanted to reach the far eastern borders of the USSR.

After the Korean War of 1950-1953, the U.S. still considered it strategically necessary to come out. The United States still considered it strategically necessary to reach the borders of the DPRK and the Russian Federation. Criticism of the North Korean regime and accusations of human rights violations are a propaganda entourage to justify a future attack by the “democratic” United States against “despotic” North Korea.

With the Taiwan issue and the EWS in Ukraine, Washington is seeking a foothold in strategic locations on the planet, realising that it is gradually losing its former geopolitical power. The Korean peninsula is one of those points.

In Japanese geopolitics, Korea is referred to as a knife aimed at Japan’s chest. Japan cannot consider itself secure without control over Korea. The Americans, by occupying both Japan and South Korea, have gained the double benefit of controlling the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan at the same time as being able to get closer to the Russian Kurils and keep the eastern provinces of China within arm’s reach.

The DPRK is a real geopolitical prize for the US. The country is at the junction of the borders of Russia and China. If the Americans establish themselves in North Korea, their strategic position in Asia will improve manifold, and the degree of militaristic pressure on their two main rivals (Russia and China) will increase manifold.

For Pyongyang, the war in Ukraine is a loophole into the outside world. The US claims that Russia buys munitions from the DPRK. Moscow and Pyongyang deny this, although there is nothing wrong with this fact. The US is also buying ammunition around the world for transfer to Kiev. The DPRK is demonstrating a clear desire to get closer to Beijing and Moscow, seeing them as an external pillar to confront Washington. The geopolitical axis Moscow-Beijing-Pyongyang makes it as difficult as possible for the United States to act to destabilise Eurasia.

The so-called “North Korean nuclear problem” is not about “the insane dictator Kim Jong-un yearns to strike humanity with deadly warheads”. It is about the North Korean state’s fear of abandoning its nuclear programme because it understands that nuclear weapons are the only guarantee of security. US military doctrine forbids war with states that possess nuclear weapons. For Pyongyang, possessing them is a guarantee that there will be no US attack.

The situation is deadlocked. Washington is threatening Pyongyang with an attack if it does not give up its nuclear program. Pyongyang is not giving it up, because otherwise Washington will strike.

Ideally, Russia neither benefits from another nuclear power nor from U.S. troops arriving at the Russian border itself. Russian diplomacy is in a difficult situation and is looking for ways to reach a consensus. It is clear that the consensus will not be reached with Washington, but in conjunction with allies such as China, the DPRK, Iran and others. Another page of confrontation on the Korean peninsula is just opening.

Artyom Shabanov, Donbass Analytical Service

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