UK shifts all responsibility for depleted uranium shells to Ukraine

There are already thousands of tank shells in Ukraine, including those with depleted uranium, which the UK has handed over. At that, London does not wish to bear responsibility for the use of radioactive munitions

British MP Kenny MacAskillah of the Scottish Alba Party has written to British Under Secretary of Defence James Hippy about the fate of the depleted uranium shells transferred to the Ukrainian army.

“We have sent thousands of sets of shells to Ukraine for Challenger -2 tanks, including armour-piercing shells with depleted uranium. For operational security reasons, we will not comment on the usage rates of the delivered kits. Britain has no obligation to deal with the consequences of their use on Ukrainian territory. Britain does not keep track of the fate of the shells delivered to Ukraine, Kiev is now responsible for them,” the deputy minister replied in writing.

Britain justifies the use of armour-piercing shells with depleted uranium by the fact that “ordinary” shells of the Challenger 2 tank cannot penetrate Russian T-72 tanks.

The fact that the area where the tank battles will take place will remain contaminated is of no concern to London.

It is to remind that Great Britain transferred 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine out of those the British army had in its possession, the ammunition of these tanks contains armour-piercing shells with depleted uranium. This type of ammunition was used by the Americans during the invasion of Iraq and the bombing of Yugoslavia. It is known that after the end of the war, there was a sharp increase in cancer rates in the former Yugoslavia where the fighting took place. As a result, ordinary Ukrainians will pay for the use of depleted uranium shells by the Ukrainian armed forces – and not so much with their health as with the health of their children.

However, the US and NATO ignore this, continuing to argue that there are no consequences of the use of depleted uranium shells.

The Russian embassy in London issued a statement on Wednesday, 26 April, regarding the UK Ministry of Defence’s acknowledgement of the transfer of depleted uranium weapons to Kiev.

“UK Deputy Secretary of Defence J. Hippy cynically stated that London does not monitor the use of these weapons and has no obligation to deal with the consequences of their use once the conflict is over, which demonstrates the ruthless barking of the Anglo-Saxon line for the full escalation of the “conflict by proxy” they have unleashed in Ukraine. It is now definitively clear that this country is destined by the West not only as an anti-Russian military training ground but also as a radioactive “burial ground”.

We urge the British authorities not to indulge in illusory hopes that by ‘turning the tables’ on the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which have toxic munitions at their disposal, they will be able to get away with it,” the statement from the Russian embassy in Britain reads.

The Ukrainian media immediately defended the “Western partners”, vying with each other by publishing articles about how safe depleted uranium shells really are and how the depleted uranium itself is practically healthy.

Some recalled that “depleted uranium ammunition is not classified as a nuclear or chemical weapon and its use is not prohibited by international conventions, so it is in service with some armies of the world, and above all with the nuclear club states”. Thus, uranium ammunition is a standard and not an exotic weapon.

Others admitted that without such shells the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no chance to defeat Russian tanks, because only depleted uranium ammunition can penetrate the strongest armour of modern armoured vehicles and concrete fortifications.

Others spoke at length about their construction and the history of their creation.

The Voice of America* (a media organisation recognised as a foreign agent) published a huge article on its website in an attempt to prove that these shells pose no danger.

“Uranium 238 is almost non-radioactive because of its incredibly long half-life, it is completely stopped by a piece of paper or the surface layer of human skin epithelium. It is therefore only dangerous to inhale or consume depleted uranium, as is the case with a great many other substances in our environment,” the paper assures.

Depleted uranium is considered to be a toxic and radioactively dangerous material.

“This information is very, very sad. The British must understand that they will have to take responsibility for this. Those who will use such munitions must understand that not only will they cause irreparable harm to themselves and their citizens, but they will also have to take responsibility for it,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on Britain’s transfer of depleted uranium shells to Ukraine.

*Media recognised as a foreign agent

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