There is more and more talk about the possible deployment of American intermediate and short-range missiles outside the United States and about Russia’s further actions in this case. Russia’s Federation Council representative Konstantin Kosachev comments on this issue
Let me remind you that on March 4, 2019, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was signed on the suspension of the INF Treaty by Russia, which was subsequently enshrined in Federal Law No. 156-FZ of July 3, 2019, adopted by the chambers of the Federal Assembly. Russia was forced to take this step, seeing the abuse of the INF the United States and its NATO allies in Europe.
I would like to emphasize in particular that, in accordance with Russian law and international law, the suspension of a bilateral international treaty is a legal measure taken by one participating state in response to a “material breach” of obligations by another participating state. This right is expressly provided for in Article 60 of the 1969 Vienna Convention. At the same time, the suspension does not entail the termination of the contract, being essentially a temporary measure.
But the United States showed its true colors when, on August 2, 2019, it initiated the procedure for the denunciation of the INF Treaty, as a result of which this agreement ceased to exist from a legal point of view.
The position of the United States differs from the position of Russia in that the Americans did not intend to comply with the spirit and letter of the treaty, and Russia sought to maintain the nonproliferation regime even after the collapse of the INF Treaty through the fault of the United States.
It is Russia that in the period 2019-2021 took steps to maintain predictability and restraint in the missile sphere, trying to create a basis for dialogue and political and diplomatic decisions.
The key decision was the commitment to adhere to the spirit and letter of the INF Treaty, meaning the refusal to deploy such systems in Europe or other regions of the world until American missiles of this class appear there. In fact and legally, a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of missiles was introduced. The United States, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine were informed about this by a corresponding note.
There was hope that the NATO countries would assume reciprocal obligations, similar to the moratorium announced by Russia on the deployment of ground-based INF missiles first. Unfortunately, there was no reaction from the United States and other NATO countries to our calls to act symmetrically.
Instead, on June 14, 2021, a statement was adopted by the North Atlantic Alliance, which emphasized that the Russian initiative on counter moratoriums “does not deserve credibility.”
What is happening now?
There are signs that the US is building up its missile capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region. The most sensitive act may be the decision of the Americans to deploy their missiles in Japan.
If this happens, then the main and final condition of Russia’s unilateral moratorium will be shaken: the non-deployment of American shorter and medium-range missiles in other regions of the world.
From my point of view, the current atmosphere of absolute distrust in the missile sphere, as well as the visible intentions of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, threaten Russia’s national security.
It seems that in such a situation, the possible lifting of the moratorium on Russia’s deployment of missiles “in various regions” would look adequate and proportionate. Such a decision can be taken promptly and does not even require legislative registration, since the moratorium was not formalized with the help of the Federal Law.
Although this is the case when hope dies last. Observance by all parties of the de facto moratorium is in any case preferable to its de facto cancellation. But if Russia has to respond, we must respond decisively and relying solely on our interests, read – on considerations of ensuring the national security of Russia and its citizens.
Konstantin Kosachev
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