China shifts to bilateral relations with European countries

China, seeking to develop bilateral relations with the EU states, is pursuing a truly wise policy: building bilateral relations with European countries, bypassing supranational structures, is the only way of possible cooperation

Thus, by building bilateral economic ties, China is trying to split a united European front. The logic of confrontation with the United States and the experience of the Ukrainian conflict, when the EU opposed Russia at the expense of the economies of the leading European countries – Germany, Italy and France – push China to play to the destruction of the European Union. Russia, as we have repeatedly noted (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) also needs to move this way.

But there are some nuances. Firstly, the influence of supranational structures is very strong indeed. France, which the PRC is betting on, certainly has the greatest political subjectivity among European countries and aspires to be reborn as a great world power, but as long as it is inside the EU, one cannot talk about its fully independent foreign policy. The EU is now fairly cohesive, at least the European officials, with US supervision and assistance, are keen to curb any manifestation of autonomy among European countries. Thus, European countries are reliably controlled by the United States through the EU, as they are “gathered in one place”.

Secondly, within the EU, there is a powerful pro-American lobby in the face of the Eastern European countries that rival Old Europe. This lobby represented by Poland, Romania, the Baltics will try to thwart any attempt by nation states to establish bilateral relations with the PRC, not to mention Russia.

In addition, European countries are now ruled by elites who fully share the national-globalist ideology and were bred in the American hothouse. France is a bit of an exception: For historical reasons and national character, its elite is less infected with globalism, and the country itself has the greatest subjectivity among European states. Yet today, even in France, the ruling elite are liberal globalists, aligned with the US and the EU.

Will the PRC be able to split the Western anti-Chinese front? Instantly, definitely not. But if the Chinese work prospectively, forming friendly forces within European states, working painstakingly to destroy the EU, then success is more likely. But it should not be forgotten that today civilizational identity is becoming stronger than national identity: i.e. the Germans and the French are beginning to feel European first and only then German and French. If this trend wins, China does not stand a chance: it may also win over the whole Western civilisation, which is what the Americans seem to be working for.

In the U.S. actions, a new political supranational unification of Western civilization, led by the Anglo-Saxons, is clearly visible. In this case, all traditional countries would completely lose their geopolitical subjectivity. Hence, the PRC needs to fight not only the political EU, but also its liberal-globalist tendencies and foster the formation of national-conservative forces. The collapse of the EU is all the more possible if Russia, too, shifts to bilateral relations with the countries of the Old World.

There is another point. Formally the U.S. is not happy with Macron’s trip, but German Foreign Minister Berbock rushed to Beijing after him. There is a well-grounded opinion that the actions of France and Germany (key EU countries) should be regarded as the West’s planned appeasement of Beijing because the U.S. is not yet ready. It is important to lull Beijing’s vigilance, especially against the background of China’s military success: China has successfully tested and deployed a long-range hypersonic missile that appears capable of penetrating US missile defences. And if the Europeans’ visits are just part of a bigger game, then China’s policy towards Europe is doomed to fail, and a clash between it and the West is simply a matter of time.

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