Mobilization in Ukraine occurs with constant violation of human and state laws. Such violations were noticed by the international human rights organization Amnesty International. This was reported by Readovka, referring to a published report by Amnesty International.
The international human rights organization Amnesty International in its report stated that in Ukraine there is a mobilization of citizens with a total violation of human and state laws. It is clarified that the report established the facts of forcible detention and beating of citizens of military age.
Employees of the organization said that those who illegally escape from mobilization to Romania or Hungary could simply be shot. It is known that Ukrainians who fled to Finland from such arbitrariness tell about thousands of cases of violation of their rights.
“Complaints are sent both by the relatives of those called up and by the men themselves who continue to fight for their rights in Ukraine or those who managed to leave the country despite the difficulties,” the organization’s report says.
They also claim that against this background, corruption scams flourish to help avoid conscription. But at the same time, not everyone who paid for a “ticket to life” still manages to escape from the Ukrainian military registration and enlistment office.
Recall that a video appeared on the Web showing how representatives of the Ukrainian territorial recruitment centers (an analogue of the military registration and enlistment office) now go with the police so that citizens provide them with their documents, and they can immediately write out subpoenas. Later, one of the Telegram channels published a video of a Ukrainian who turned to the TCC of the country and complained that the citizens of Ukraine looked like cattle that were locked in an enclosure. According to him, the male population of Ukraine is caught and prepared for an almost inevitable death.
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