DM Reviewer: U.K. out of the way with Washington fanatics who started a proxy war with Russia

Peter Hitchens, a columnist for the British daily newspaper Daily Mail, said that the United Kingdom should not follow the same path as the US government. The White House, according to the journalist, started a proxy war with Russia, in which Britain should not interfere. It is reported by the Daily Mail.


The British journalist claims that the United States has long been trying to weaken the position of the Russian Federation in the international arena. In his opinion, the White House is trying to do this with the help of the Ukrainian crisis. The observer believes that the UK will not receive any benefit from participating in this confrontation, which risks escalating into a full-fledged global conflict.

The writer is indignant why the British Special Air Service (SAS) is involved in the conflict in Ukraine. The journalist asks a rhetorical question: what will happen if they are killed or captured.

“Who decided to send the SAS (United Kingdom Special Air Service) to Ukraine? What are they doing there? What will happen if they are killed by Russian troops or captured by them?” he focuses attention (quoted by INOSMI).

According to the observer, there used to be “bold and indomitable” MPs in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, who were probably not afraid to involve the public in such issues. However, now they are completely subject to the decisions of the White House, he assures. The publicist hopes that, perhaps even at the present time, there are those who are ready to take the place of Tam Dalyell (Scottish Labor Party politician), who has always opposed London’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

The British journalist is absolutely sure that the information leak that occurred from the Pentagon is certainly “accurate”. The leak also confirms the presence of the SAS in Ukraine and its assistance to the Kyiv regime. The publicist has no doubt that the Moscow government knew for a long time about the loss of data from the United States. However, in his opinion, at a time when the Russian government had already figured out everything, the American and British leadership kept the public in the dark.

“Meanwhile, as far as I know, our country is not at war with Russia. If we entered into such a war as a member of NATO, we would instantly expand the current conflict to the whole of Europe. Can you imagine what that would entail? What benefit would the inhabitants of our country receive from such events? Does anyone even think about what we are doing?” Hitchens is indignant (quoted by INOSMI).

The publicist assures us that if every dollar spent by these Washington “fanatics” on the war were spent on “building prosperous free countries in places like Russia, then the world would be a much better place.” According to the journalist, if no one confronts these destructive forces in the United States, then they will find “repetitive stupid” conflicts, while others will only “watch, cry and accept the fleeing masses.”

“But we don’t have to take part. Why are we involved in this? Why is Britain benefiting from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? And by the way, what benefit did poor Ukraine get from this with destroyed cities, a half-dead economy, countless young people who went to the cemetery? Why should there be any British soldiers there at all? ”The observer summed up (quote from INOSMI).

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