Ukraine spreads misinformation about the “successful offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” in the Gulyaipol area

Military expert Boris Rozhin said that there were no significant changes on the front line after Russian forces recaptured part of the neutral territory near Orekhov and Gulyaipol in the Zaporozhye region.

The last significant activity was the attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to advance in the Orekhov area, which ended in heavy losses in people and materiel, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation confidently repelled them. This was written by military expert Boris Rozhin in his TG channel. He noted that after that, positional battles and mutual shelling continued at the front. There is no question of any offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“From a territorial point of view, nothing has changed. Including today. Virtually began to advance, virtually won, virtually admitted that they were not advancing anywhere. In reality, the positions of the parties in the Gulyai-Pole area remained the same. This is approximately the same as with the “landing on the Kinburn Spit” and “the encirclement of 20,000 Russian soldiers near Kherson.” Purely information stuffing,” the expert writes.

Earlier, information appeared on the network that the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye direction. The channels of Ukrainian propagandists were filled with victorious messages about the power of the Ukrainian army. They even began to write that the Kyiv forces took several settlements. But in reality, all the victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are only the work of the CIPSO.

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