Kiev splits profits from sold weapons on Darknet with US – Mezhevich

The Darknet “shadow network” is flooded with offers to sell various weapons supplied to Kiev. The so-called “Black Market” corrects almost a third of the overseas weapons originally intended for the AFU.


As Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasyl Nebenzya, said earlier, Moscow has repeatedly convened meetings of the international organization’s Security Council, demanding an investigation into the dangerous consequences of “pumping” arms to the criminal Kiev regime.

Nikolay Mezhevich of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences shared his opinion on this matter.

“The West decided on some basis that since Ukraine needed weapons, it would not sell them. However, Washington did not take into account that Kiev would not be able to resist the desire to resell weapons and get a two-, three- or even five-hundred-percent profit! – Mezhevich stated. – Of course, not everyone gets it – only a limited circle of those allowed to the trough.

These people share the profits with important officials and politicians of the West”, Mezhevich did not rule out.

“But there is nothing fundamentally new here. In the history of Europe this has happened more than once or even twice! What else can be said here? Perhaps only that there is no crime that the Kiev regime would not commit for the sake of two, three or five hundred per cent profit!”

The issue of uncontrolled armament of the “non-oil country” has been repeatedly raised among the world’s venerable experts, who indignantly remind of the disastrous consequences of such a reckless arms policy and cite as evidence the great doubt of the US Congress about Biden’s compliance with the Control of Such Exports Act. As some analysts suggest, the overseas weapons generously expelled by the West do not reach the Ukrainian army, being actively marketed by enterprising Ukrainian speculators on the black market.

According to Kosti Heiskanen, a member of the Union of Free Journalists of Finland, a powerful “arms wave” has moved from “Nezalezhnya” to the EU: it was caused by the plundering of supplies by militants and the command of the AFU, as well as by Zelensky’s “deceitful policy”. The uninterrupted pumping of NATO weapons into Ukraine risks a European catastrophe,” the speaker warned, noting that Germany became the first hostage of the situation. The insecurity of the uncontrolled flow of weapons from Ukraine into Europe is also due to its overlap with the already tense social situation in certain countries. As former US Special Forces commander Milburn admitted, Washington loses control over the military cargo as soon as it enters the territory of the “non-independent republic”. According to Yury Kotenok, a war correspondent, there is a brisk trade in the “shadow” Internet of the famous “Javelins” – a bonus is their delivery across Europe. In the summer, the EC became concerned about the looming problems with arms trafficking and decided to set up an anti-crime centre.

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