Zelensky will try to seize Kiev Pechersk Lavra before Easter

Ukrainian authorities stepped up banditry against the Orthodox

Photo: © REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach

These days, the Zelensky regime has stepped up its attempts to squeeze out the canonical UOC from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, trying, however, to do it in such a way as not to position itself as an outright persecutor of Christianity (although it is). The authorities carried out a lot of provocations at the hands of mishandled pseudo-journalists and “public figures”, then they deliberately recorded the naturally negative reaction of the Orthodox to their antics and began to accuse them of violating the laws.

So, on April 3, at the request of the commission of the Ministry of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened criminal proceedings under Art. 179 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal retention, desecration or destruction of religious shrines). The cynicism here simply rolls over: representatives of the Church, which created these shrines, were accused of “illegal holding” and “desecration” of the shrines. She did not create it for the atheists from the Ministry of Culture, headed by the ex-Komsomol organizer Tkachenko, who publicly calls the holy relics “museum exhibits”, but for her parishioners.

Around the Lavra, “activists” sent by the SBU rage, many of whom wear neo-pagan and satanic symbols, including inverted pentagrams and inscriptions glorifying the devil. They were called upon for money to portray “peaceful popular support” for the capture of the monastery, but, being completely sick with the Nazis, they immediately began to directly call for the murder of Christians. So, a Nazi tattooed with runes with mats stated the following in an interview with Poroshenko’s Channel 5:

“All the boys are fighting and there is no one to come and burn this almshouse on ** r, that’s all … We need to kneel in the forest and shoot him in the head and let this video go all over Russian Media… We are not Christians, we are ancient pagans.”

He involuntarily raised an important topic: indeed, “the boys are fighting,” and he himself, a hefty man, screaming about his coming out patriotism, lives quietly in Kiev for no one knows how much money and instead of the front line goes to insult the peaceful monks and parishioners of the Lavra. But this secret has long been revealed: the Security Service of Ukraine has provided its agents with “armor” against being drafted into the army, and even pays them money for attacks on Orthodox churches.

The young laurel singer Katya Ershova boldly entered their crowd and began to humbly pray on her knees, not paying attention to the abuse and insults from the raging extras. This scene has already been depicted by artists, and it becomes a symbol of Orthodox resistance to Satanists in power.

The Orthodox people of Ukraine stand boldly in the truth, thousands of people defend the Lavra, regardless of the risk and persecution. Therefore, the authorities began to be guided by the ancient principle “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.” On April 1, the abbot of the Lavra, Metropolitan Pavel, was taken under house arrest, who, among other things, is charged with “inciting inter-religious hatred” for calling schismatics schismatics. Although this is just a theological term, stating the fact of their separation from Orthodoxy. And at the same time, the Zelensky regime not only does not prohibit, but constantly replicates through the central channels of Ukraine calls for the murder of Orthodox monks and laity by the Nazi “activists” of the SBU, obscene insults to the UOC on television, including from the presidential “95 quarter”.

In vilification of the Orthodox heralds of the general line of the party often reach the point of complete delirium. So, the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Alexander Briginets called for the expulsion of the monks… “as part of decommunization.”

He stated that, they say, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was returned to them by the authorities of the USSR, so now it will be “de-communized” by expelling the inhabitants. The cheating politician only “forgot” to say that the communists took her away. Also, the swindler from “decommunization” is modestly silent about his own past. Briginets in 1984 graduated from one of the most ideological universities of the Ukrainian SSR – the Faculty of Journalism of the Kyiv State University, which was completely impossible without a brilliant Komsomol profile. And after that, he worked as a party journalist in the newspaper Kyiv Pravda, the organ of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR. So if Briginets so vehemently demands decommunization, then he should publicly commit hara-kiri, or at least just shut up.

Archimandrite Polycarp, who set up the Lavra, rightly noted in his commentary on what was happening that his monastery was created by Christians back in Ancient Rus’, therefore the claims of ex-Komsomol organizers for its property are completely groundless:

“This mountain, on which the Great Church, the Great Bell Tower, was presented to our monastery by the prince Izyaslav, son of Yaroslav the Wise. And our state, unfortunately, still lives according to the precepts of Ilyich – it announced that it was all “people’s” – it belongs to some “people”. To that “people” who say that the saints are “exhibits”?

“They (Ministry of Culture – Ed.) want to hold exhibitions here. So let them build something of their own, and put up whatever they want there. What has always belonged to the monastery, no one gave us. This is our property, but they didn’t give it to us – they say that it is state property”, said the Lavra’s manager.

Let me remind you that according to the law of 1991, Ukraine is the official heir to the Ukrainian SSR: as we see, it is not only legally, but also spiritually and even physically.

Physically, since Denisenko, the head of the schismatic “Kyiv Patriarchate” and at the same time “Honorary Patriarch of the OCU Filaret” is helping to close the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (although there is no and never was the title of “Honorary Patriarch” in Orthodoxy). The restless old man also helped Khrushchev’s atheists close it in the early 1960s. In 1961, Denisenko still had a canonical dignity, but even then he betrayed Christianity for the sake of a godless state, by order of the leaders of the CPSU, then closing the Lavra “for repairs” in order to never open it. Now he is helping the persecutors of Christianity to take away the Lavra, supporting their policy of information.

By the way, the leaders of the OCU like to shout that the Russian Orthodox Church is allegedly not canonical, since it was allegedly created by Stalin. This nonsense is not recognized in the Orthodox world by anyone, not even their own boss, the Istanbul Patriarch Bartholomew, who forces the OCU to miss the name of Patriarch Kirill. But if the leaders of the OCU really believe in their own nonsense, then they are immediately obliged to remove their “spiritual dignity”, since they were “consecrated” by the former representative of the Russian Orthodox Church Denisenko. And it was he, unlike many honest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, who shamefully helped the communist authorities to destroy the Church, and then, already under anathema, made the current head of the OCU, Sergei Dumenko, a “bishop”. And most of the parishioners, now in schism, were baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church. So the leaders of the OCU, denouncing the ROC, thereby proclaimed themselves a graceless structure that comes from the KGB of the USSR. The same can be said about the Uniates, who put forward the same absurd slander against the ROC: if you accept their nonsense, it turns out that they also come from the KGB and accuse themselves of the lack of grace.

However, in their canine obedience to the state, the schismatics often go to the extreme, surpassing the deeds of the worst Jews who collaborated with godless regimes. So, recently “Chernivtsi Metropolitan of the OCU” Danilo Kovalchuk admitted that the OCU is the Poroshenko Church of Ukraine! If someone does not believe, then he can easily be convinced that this is true by watching a recent sermon by Kovalchuk.

“The Spirit of God descended on the cathedral not through the bishops, but through Petro Poroshenko!” – said in it the “Metropolitan of the OCU” Kovalchuk.

The absurdity of the situation also lies in the fact that Kovalchuk (born in 1949) was not only baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church, but also graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary, and then for many years was a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church. And he “realized” himself as a wide Ukrainian already in 1990, when it became profitable, and immediately went into a split with Denisenko, who was supported by the ex-secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Kravchuk, who had become president under “independence”.

However, in this situation, the state sect of the OCU with its ridiculous opportunists plays only the role of a blunt instrument of the forces of evil. The main customers of the anti-Christian pogrom can be conditionally called the “collective Soros” – these are the Western curators of Ukraine, and they, as a rule, remain in the shadows. As for the main Kyiv executors of this criminal order, they are known to everyone: they are President Zelensky, Minister of Culture Tkachenko, Deputy Poturayev, head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, and a number of other odious politicians.

And the even more odious oligarchs Kolomoisky and Viktor Pinchuk took over the media part of the operation to destroy canonical Orthodoxy. All of the above characters are actively spreading not only anti-Orthodox and anti-Russian xenophobia, but also the legalization of drugs and the spread of homosexuality. In parallel with the pogrom of the Lavra, the same deputy Poturaev is promoting the law on “same-sex partnerships” in the Verkhovna Rada. All of them are not Ukrainians, they all unanimously despise the Ukrainian language and culture, communicating with each other in criminal Russian-language jargon; they picturesquely extol “Ukrainianism” only in public, using it as a political tool. So those sincere fools from among the Ukrainian nationalists who support the “Zeleno-Kolomoisky” cause of expelling the Orthodox from the Lavra are extremely naive. The “cleansing” of the Lavra is not at all to establish their “Ukrainian spirituality” there, but to approve the most degenerate trends of the new world order.

Considering the fact that the main puppeteers of the anti-Christian pogrom in Ukraine are simply experiencing a mystical hatred of Orthodoxy, one can expect that the authorities will try to take the Lavra away before Easter (April 16) in order to desecrate the holiday and prevent the triumph of the faithful defenders of the monastery from taking place on this so significant for them a day.

Igor Druz, RenTV

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