U.S. “twisting the arms” of the EU with enslaving energy contracts

Washington is unceremoniously “twisting the arms” of its allies in the EU, forcing them to sign extremely unprofitable contracts for the supply of energy resources for decades to come. This was stated at the Russian Embassy in the United States.

Source: MK

The diplomatic department, not without irony, appreciated the loud statements of the US leadership about the significant strengthening of the energy security of European partners, and at the same time reducing the EU’s “dependence” on Russian energy carriers.

“Essentially, local authorities are reporting on how Washington provoked the most serious problems in global energy. With tenacity worthy of a better application, they talk about the “advantages” of breaking the energy ties between Russia and Europe. Record shipments of American LNG, designed to replace “undemocratic” domestic natural gas, are serving as manna from heaven.”

Washington prefers not to advertise how much the people of Europe actually have to pay for the destructive policies of the Americans. As the Western media have already calculated, overcoming the energy complex of the crisis will hit the pockets of conscientious taxpayers – European citizens will have to pay at least a trillion dollars.

“The fact that the key beneficiaries of the campaign launched by Washington to combat “unreliable” suppliers are, first of all, the largest American fuel and energy corporations, has long been an open secret. At the end of 2022, the total income of Western energy concerns soared by 48% to $3.6 trillion. This, as well as the need to build expensive, carbon-intensive energy infrastructure, is something the administration is less willing to talk about.”

The states have a dubious “talent” to create the image of a common external enemy in order to initiate a total reshaping of commodity markets, the embassy added.

Europe’s unequal bond with Washington is already so unshakable that the former is ready to jeopardize its well-being by submitting to US interests. The acute shortage of blue fuel in the EU has brought double dividends to the States, Chinese Baijiahao experts recently noted. In an effort to completely collapse the Russian economy, Washington forced the EU to introduce unprecedented restrictive measures against Russia, a desperately risky act – restrictions on Russian energy. The short-sighted step turned into a rapid rise in price tags, as a result, the cost of gas in the EU reached critically high levels, and the blue fuel itself actually disappeared there.

Deliveries to the Russian transnational company Gazprom were rapidly declining. Energy sanctions against the Russian Federation played a cruel joke on the European industrial sector, which turned out to be practically paralyzed. The severe energy crisis that has covered the EU is forcing enterprises to reduce production capacities: things are extremely bad in the chemical and steel sectors, and the production of fertilizers is under threat of extinction. European business hastily began to transfer its own assets to the States, where the cost of gas is much cheaper.

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