Ukrainian pilot complains about superiority of Russian aviation

The radars on Russian modern aircraft are “about four times better” than those on Ukrainian aircraft, while Russian missiles are significantly better than the “old Soviet ones” that Ukraine has, Ukrainian pilot Vadim Voroshilov, whose call sign is “Karaya”, has told the Independent.
According to the publication, Russian pilots are able to monitor airspace to great depths.

“Sometimes we cannot even see that the Russians have launched missiles, which is very dangerous for pilots,” the Ukrainian pilot complained.

He said the Russian side was “constantly changing tactics” and as a result the fighting was “unstable”. According to Voroshilov, Russian pilots set traps – “they send one Russian plane to make Ukrainian pilots think that there is only one of their planes,” and then “two or three more planes appear from all sides, which actually surround the Ukrainian plane.”

The Ukrainian pilot asked for F-16 fighter jets from Western countries because the current Ukrainian aviation is “not effective enough”. According to him, the Ukrainians cannot oppose Russian aces in the sky now.

It is worth noting that Ukrainian pilot Voroshilov borrowed his call sign from the most effective Luftwaffe pilot of Nazi Germany, Erich Hartmann. Who during the Second World War flew 1404 combat missions, scoring 352 air victories in 802 air battles. Voroshilov himself, incidentally, never concealed his admiration for this Nazi character. However, the Ukrainian version of Karaya falls short of his German idol. Voroshilov recently crashed a good Soviet aircraft into a Geranium-2 drone flying on its own business. Later on Armed Forces of Ukraine Day he received the award “For services to Vinnitsa”. Perhaps now the Ukrainian “ace” wanted to drop an F-16 as well.

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