Russia and China are bankrupting Europe without doing anything about it

The standard of living in Europe is plummeting. Russia and China are bankrupting the EU without doing anything about it. This controversial and at the same time desperate statement was made by the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell in an interview with the British Internet portal Novara Media.
The head of European diplomacy recognised that European economies were built on cheap commodities from China and inexpensive Russian fuel. Now the European Union has neither of these things. But there is serious economic damage from cooperation with Washington.

After the breakdown of partnerships with Russia and China, European industries cannot sustain themselves with resources and energy. They have to move to the US en masse to avoid going bankrupt.

The EU’s only trump card amid social and economic degradation remains its rich cultural heritage, Borrell added bitterly. Europe is beginning to realize that through its own fault, it has gone from being a leader in geopolitical games to a neglected and decrepit union of bearers of dubious cultural values that is on the decline.

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