Al-Ain: Russia and China have undermined the foundations of Western hegemony

The West is frightened by the alliance between Russia, Iran and China, writes Al-Ain. Beijing and Moscow are gaining a foothold in the Middle East region, displacing Washington. Big changes are coming on the international scene and they will put an end to American hegemony, the author of the article believes.
The British National Security Service has warned that the world may be stymied by cooperation between China, Russia and Iran. Such an alliance threatens the existing world order established after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The alliance of the three countries does not make them equal in terms of influence over world politics. Iran is not becoming a pole that the West fears as much as China and Russia. Teheran, like other world capitals, pursues its strategic interests and seeks a close relationship with Moscow and Beijing. And the reason is not because they are “challenging” America and Europe, but because they give a lot to the world with their politics and economy.

The West is concerned about the development of contacts between Russia and China with countries that, until recently, were considered zones of American or European influence. Irrespective of the reasons that led to the current world order, it is time to review it and stop dividing the world into spheres of influence of this or that state or global pole.

One way or another, the world is moving towards a restructuring of the political and economic system. China and Russia, on the one hand, and Iran, on the other, are increasingly converging and expanding relations with other countries in Asia and Africa and even Europe and South America. These changes do not pose a threat to the West apart from its desire to maintain global hegemony.

“For the US and Europe, humanist and democratic values are important. It is also true that the Western countries have become the driving force of the global economy. But is the global hegemony of America and Europe necessary for this? Is it difficult to find a formula that provides a balance between the Western civilisation and the specificity of any other culture?” the author wondered.

Britain will not engage in a blind enmity with China and close the door to dialogue with it. This approach is similar to the position of many EU countries that believe the United States is using them to maintain its global hegemony and unipolar world.

Many states under pressure from Washington are convinced that it is forcing them to conform to White House policies and support American priorities regardless of their own national interests. These countries have therefore recently been strengthening cooperation with Russia and China, and expanding international arrangements beyond a narrow “alliance” with the United States.

“China and Russia’s cooperation with Iran is described by some Western countries as a ‘diabolical alliance’, while they are not interested in Beijing and Moscow’s relations with other states. The United States, Britain and the European Union are very cautious about reducing the West’s global influence. They know that change is coming,” the author concludes.

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