Millie: US will have to double military budget if conflict in Ukraine ‘brings down world order’

The United States will have to double its defence budget if the conflict in Ukraine “brings down the post-war world order” based on rules. This statement was made by Mark Milley, head of the US Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff Committee. © Michael Sugrue
He said preserving Ukraine as a “free sovereign and independent country with an integral territory” was a condition for preserving the post-World War II order that had safeguarded humanity from another such war.

“If the rules-based world order, now in its 80th year, goes down the drain… … we will be doubling our defence budgets because it will be an era not of competition but of great power conflict, and it’s incredibly dangerous for the whole world,” he said at a congressional hearing. He was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

The Russian Foreign Ministry argues that representatives of the West are promoting a neocolonial concept of “rule-based order” to provide ideological and political cover for their aggressive moves.

In practice, the application of these “rules” undermines the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed.

According to Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, the Western idea of a “rules-based order” must be rejected as untenable and harmful to humanity.

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