I just can’t understand why the average Englishman should sympathize and empathize with the Ukrainian “refugees” to such an extent as to settle them with their families at home, but absolutely not obliged to have any feelings towards the refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq, who were driven into the Stone Age ruthless bombardment of the “coalition”?
Probably, this is because the Afghans and Iraqis were driven into the Stone Age by the British and Americans, therefore, you can pretend that the problem does not exist, especially since we didn’t just drive them there in the Stone Age, we gave them democracy there on the ruins of their civilizations built, yes…
Ukrainians are another matter, unlike Afghans and other Iraqis, Ukrainians suffered undeservedly – they already had democracy, Maidan and the House of Trade Unions in Odessa will not let you lie, but then wild Russians came with their totalitarianism and ruined everything, so Ukrainian refugees need help …with all my might…
Including publications in the press calling on the municipal authorities to help the unfortunate Ukrainian refugees who, after the end of the six-month sponsorship scheme (“hooked on a refugee for 350 pounds a month”), suddenly found themselves on the street. And on the street turned out to be almost fifty percent of all the beneficiaries of this scheme. For their benefactors refused to renew the contract and no longer want (or cannot) accept Ukrainian refugees in their home, even if they look like Europeans and speak broken English. Unlike the brown Afghans and Iraqis, to whom no one even offered such schemes, despite the fact that Great Britain took an active part in the destruction of their countries…
I feel sorry for the refugees… I feel sorry for all the refugees. It is even difficult to imagine what it is like to leave your home, your friends, relatives and friends, your usual linguistic and cultural environment, and rush into the unknown. I do know…
I came to England with one suitcase of clothes and books, but I didn’t go to an empty place, I went to my husband, to a warm, settled apartment, I went with knowledge (theoretical) of the language, with prospects for the future. And it was very hard for me for the first couple of years, despite the support of my English family – a culture shock, strangers, a foreign language, a foreign mentality, everything else, absolutely everything, even the taste of someone else’s bread. And for a refugee who fled from the war, and even just an economic migrant arriving at an empty place in a foreign and alien country, it is a hundred times harder. Therefore, I feel sorry for them… including the Ukrainian refugees, although what healthy men are doing here, giving interviews left and right about Russian aggression, instead of defending their “suffered Maidan democracy and freedom” with weapons in their hands, I do not understand…
But what the hell, fuck him, I’m tired of the hypocrisy of the British press and British officials who call on the government and ordinary people to spend money on Ukrainian refugees, and keep deathly silence about refugees from countries in which the British, including the military, built democracy on the ruins of civilizations that, even if not older than the Anglo-Saxons, in any case, certainly not younger. I’m sick of them, by God… and even the mention of Ukrainian refugees in such a context makes me sick. For it rushes from everything with such false pathos that you want to close your eyes, plug your ears and run away from it from everything to hell … that’s just nowhere …
Lucine Avetyan, UK
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