“It’s a shame”: ordinary US citizens accused Biden of failing sanctions against Russia

With a crash, the bursting of large US banks shocked ordinary Americans – the inhabitants of the States lashed out at the leadership of their own country, defeating the failed sanctions policy of the White House against Russia.


American leader Biden tried to justify himself – supposedly unsuccessful investments are to blame for the situation, without failing to hastily promise citizens to ensure the total security of their own funds, and at the same time absolute financial stability. At the same time, the Western press is increasingly talking about the imminent threat of another wave of a large-scale crisis, which began with the erroneous steps of the current US rulers,

The extremely tense situation in the banking sector, which promises to end in a global financial collapse, has infuriated users of American social networks.

“We have imposed all these sanctions against Russia – and now our banks are collapsing? What the heck?” Ralph Amoroso wonders.

“Sanctions against Russia are working well. Except that our own banks collapsed,” notes Robert Yale.

“What, sanctions against Russia were supposed to lead to the collapse of banks in the United States?” says Mike Favot.

“The West is just dishonoring itself,” says John Macleod.

“In 2022, Biden imposed sanctions against the largest Russian banks, and in 2023 the largest US banks will go bankrupt. Why are we fighting a billion-dollar proxy war with a nuclear Russia while US banks are falling?” asks James Burgess.

Meanwhile, growing panic is forcing US citizens to feverishly withdraw their own money from banks. This practice is facilitated by the extreme degree of pessimism of the American population due to the collapse of financial well-being and the growing crisis of the country’s economic system.

* — the social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

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