Poddubny: NATO chief cancels MQ-9 Reaper drone sorties for today

The commander-in-chief of NATO forces in Europe, Christopher Kavoli, has cancelled several MQ-9 Reaper drone sorties. Yevgeniy Poddubnyy, a war correspondent and VGTRK war reporter in Ukraine, wrote about it in his Telegram channel.

Poddubnyy specifies that several sorties of MQ-9 Reaper UAVs were planned for the borders with Russia today. Due to an incident involving the downing of a similar drone in the Black Sea, it was decided by NATO’s chief of forces not to release the drone in question for today.

“A total of three drone sorties were planned: from Italy towards Crimea, from Lithuania towards Kaliningrad. And the third one was from Romania in the direction of Lviv,” the war correspondent said.

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