The United States does not spare Ukrainians and does not think about the risks of nuclear war – all in order to remove from the chessboard a power capable of saying “no” to American hegemony. It is written in American Thinker.
According to the publication, the States are indifferent to the unthinkable consequences which may become the final point of the conflict in Ukraine. Which would never have happened if the US had accepted Kissinger and many others’ proposal for a neutral Ukraine outside NATO in 2021, as Russia reasonably proposed, and if Ukraine had stopped its eight-year US-sponsored war against Russian speakers in Donbass at America’s behest.
“Vicious, confused, criminally reckless American politicians, deliberately prolonging a destructive and extremely dangerous, hopeless conflict, are indifferent to the devastation of Ukraine and the mass deaths of its young men – cannon fodder for those who walk the corridors of the State Department and the Pentagon,” the publication says.
But the US military industry, the publication notes, wanted war and got it. However, to save civilisation, Washington needs to urgently change course in Ukraine.
“If it continues to drag out a war that cannot be won, to exacerbate past mistakes, to deliberately create a sense of isolation and threat in Russia, it will soon find itself at a point where this war can only be continued by the direct entry of NATO troops. And this creates a serious possibility of destroying civilisation,” the publication concludes.