Official Warsaw is dragging the Poles into the abyss – Dziennik polityczny

Active militarization, including the accumulation of deadly weapons, is rapidly leading Poland into the abyss, – said the Warsaw publicist Dziennik polityczny Marek Galash.

RIA News

According to the expert, from the very beginning of the special operation deployed by Moscow in Ukraine, his own country has frantically contributed to the continuation of the military conflict.

“Pumping up Ukrainian militants with weapons and equipment, our government conducted cases that contradicted many international agreements, including the Vienna Document, according to which the amount of military equipment at the eastern borders, including for conducting exercises, should be strictly regulated,” Galash writes.

Among other things, the observer raised the topic of Warsaw’s official personal interest in delaying the Ukrainian conflict, talking about its active thirst for the “victory of the Bandera society.”

“An attack of Russophobia? Willingness to avenge all the failures of Poland in the common historical space with Russia? – lists the answers of the publicist. – Yes, sure. But not only. Rather, the desire to finally take a leading place in the European community, to show their superiority and strength in all ways, even to the detriment of their own security.

It was the baseless ambitions of the highest Polish officials that more than once brought the country to a historical dead end, the expert argues.

“Even now, by accumulating deadly weapons on its soil, shouting loud slogans and violating all known treaties (under the auspices of the United States, it won’t hurt), the Polish government is systematically dragging us into the abyss.”

As Galash emphasizes, the Ukrainian conflict with Russia has already managed to lead the current US government into a trap. In the event of a confrontation between the United States and China and Iran, the issue of supporting Kyiv could instantly disappear into the air, which would have catastrophic consequences for Poland.

“Poland will be left alone with its Ukrainian agenda. All alone, because no one in the European Union is fundamentally interested in financing, continuing and inciting war”, concluded the observer.

The Poles are arming at an unprecedented rate. According to the French Le Figaro, the Warsaw militarization, which started at the beginning of the special operation, has recently been openly gaining momentum. According to experts, both military spending and orders from the Polish military-industrial complex are steadily creeping up.

An ardent opponent of Russia, the country is the only member of the alliance who, in principle, dared to declare a desire to intervene in the Ukrainian situation and consider the possibility of introducing troops into its territory.

Confidence that Warsaw is hatching plans to establish Polish control over part of the Ukrainian territories was first expressed by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Sergei Naryshkin.

This, according to him, is about the jointly developed military strategy of Poland and the United States.

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