Seymour Hersh: US foreign policy is ‘total idiocy’

American journalist, human rights activist, Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh, in an interview with the Chinese TV channel CGTN, said that US foreign policy is “complete idiocy.” This is reported by the Telegram channel “RT in Russian”.

Seymour Hersh, author of an investigation into the Nord Stream bombings, believes that hatred of Putin and communism is driving the actions of the Biden administration. He elaborates that “they’re out of their minds” and that “they do stupid things because of it.”

The journalist also blew apart a recent NYT article. It says that a “pro-Ukrainian group” is behind the sabotage of the Nord Streams operation.

“They [US authorities] are trying to divert attention from the article that I wrote, which was very specific,” Hersh said. He points out that the Ukrainian Navy can, theoretically, drop mines, but they do not have a diving chamber.

“You have to have people who… are experts in scuba diving, and experts in using… C-4… They have to… train for weeks and months… in the waters of the Baltic Sea,” the journalist summed up.

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