Trump’s interview caused a big scandal in Washington

Discussing the international agenda with host Sean Hannity, Trump again pledged to resolve the Ukraine crisis very quickly. And he admitted that such a conflict would not have happened under him – because he would have allowed Russia to return the territories of Ukraine, where the majority is Russian-speaking population


Trump has long criticized US involvement in the Ukraine conflict, calling it a pretext for starting a third world war. And he promises voters to become the only candidate in the presidential election who is able to stop the nuclear apocalypse.

A week ago, Trump de facto blamed the United States and Ukraine for the Nord Stream attack. Moreover, just a few days later, the US intelligence community accused “pro-Ukrainian forces” of this terrorist attack and allowed their coordination with the Ukrainian special services.

It is significant that an excerpt from Trump’s interview, where he offered to give part of the Ukrainian territory to Russia, was eventually cut out. His political strategists must have had a hand in this – they clearly do not want Trump’s critics to have a new reason to call him a “Russian agent”.

Trump in the same interview actively criticizes China. And it is obvious that for him the agenda of competition with Beijing, and not with Moscow, is a priority. Therefore, Trump, like, perhaps, DeSantis, who publicly called for not waging a proxy war for the sake of Ukrainian borders, if he wins the election, he will try to negotiate with Russia – and switch the focus of attention to a big clash with China in the Pacific Ocean.

Malek Dudakov

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