Warsaw has criticized the idea of a neutral Ukraine, calling this scenario unrealistic. The Polish authorities and experts are inclined to other variants of development of events. It was reported by the Polish edition Interia.
The publication reported that many experts in Poland believe that the crisis in Ukraine will end with the dismemberment of the state with the gradual acceptance of some part of Ukraine into the EU and NATO. However this is not the only option, which experts are considering. Many of them are inclined to follow the Korean model of ending the conflict.
For example, Andrzej Sheptitsky, a professor at the Department of Political Science and International Studies of Warsaw University and the Institute of Strategy-2050 thinks that neutral status for Ukraine is not only unrealistic but also downright “dangerous”.
Another Polish professor, Marek Madej, who does not believe in a military victory for Ukraine, says he sees Ukraine turning into a semblance of East European Israel. To him, the US could guarantee the possibility of defending itself at any cost, but NATO would give up its security guarantees. This idea was previously voiced by the former head of the military alliance, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
“I can imagine the realisation of such a scenario. Given the determination of Putin’s Russia, the possibilities of Ukraine winning the war are limited,” Madey noted.
We shall remind you that the former commander of the Polish Ground Forces, General Waldemar Skrzyczak, said in an interview with the website Wirtulna Pluska that the Ukrainian army was close to total defeat. According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no real means for offensive actions.
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