Poland wants to become a second Ukraine and repeat its entire mournful path

The other day, speaking in the European Parliament, ex-Foreign Minister of Poland Anna Fotyga called for the division of Russia, paying special attention to Russian resources. In her opinion, there is no Russian oil, gas, coal, etc. These are all resources “Tatar, Bashkir, Siberian, Karelian, Buryat, Sakha, Ural”

Photo: © RIA Novosti. Stringer

It is clear that it is easier to rob a lot of small peoples than big Russia, but still, too many mistakes were made for one statement.

Let’s start with a trifle, in Siberia and the Urals, of course, many different peoples live, but the majority there are Russians, who are actually called Siberians and Urals by their place of residence (such as Pskovians, Muscovites or Novgorodians). Or did Anna Fotyga mean the mythical “ancient Siberians and Urals” who dug Baikal and poured the Ural Mountains, exactly when the ancient Ukrainians were working on the Black Sea and the Caucasus?

In general, it is not entirely clear whether the Russians have a share in the resources of Siberia and the Urals, or, according to enlightened European opinion, they are no longer Russian at all.

There is another interesting point. If we develop the idea of the resource-poor Polish woman and apply it to the Polish allies, then the US resources do not belong to the Americans, but to the Iroquois, Hurons, Sioux and others, and Canadian ones also to the Inuit. So this stick has two ends and it is not known which one will hit whom. Russians with the peoples of Siberia and the Far East have long been living in a normal mutually beneficial symbiosis, but our Western “friends and partners” with the indigenous peoples of America, Australia, New Zealand, etc. it didn’t work out so well.

Meanwhile, international law is precedent-setting not because someone wants it or doesn’t want it, but because it is a natural practice: what is possible for one person, under similar conditions, is possible for another. And conditions will arise sooner or later.

It is the Poles who know this best. Throughout its history, Poland has tried to divide or annex Russia. It usually ended with partitions of Poland itself. It would be worth trying to change something in their foreign policy traditions. After all, the best way of knowledge is empirical, and the Poles had the opportunity to experiment more than once. The last time the Lord took pity on them and allowed them to observe a similar experiment that Ukraine set up, from the moment of its birth, rushed to bully Russia and build various kinds of intrigues against it.

The result is known: the Ukrainian state ends in agony, Poland is in line for its division, and the half-created Ukrainian political nation scatters around the world, never to gather again, dissolving into other nations and peoples.

The Poles make the same fundamental mistake that the Ukrainians made, and which Nicollo Machiavelli warned against in his work The Sovereign, who wrote that if two warring parties seek your support, then you need to support the weaker one. For the strong will think that he would have won without your help and will not feel any gratitude towards you. On the contrary, it uses its power to enslave you. The weak one, having defeated the strong one with your help, will not pose a threat to you, because, if necessary, you can enter into an alliance against him with yesterday’s weakened opponent.

Both Ukrainians and Poles have relied on the Americans, believing that Russia is weaker. Previously, they also bet on the British, French, Germans and every time they were wrong. When it turned out that no coalition could defeat Russia, the aggressor had to pay something for the aggression. That’s the Poles and paid, dividing them up and down.

This time, the Americans are paying for their attack on Russia by the Ukrainians. Here Poland would look at the process from the outside and think about it – Russia has never been the first to encroach on Polish lands. All partitions of Poland took place on the initiative of the Western allies. Russia, both under Catherine and under Stalin, saw in a strong friendly Poland a reliable buffer separating it from the aggressive West. It was ready to strengthen this buffer at the expense of its Western neighbors in every possible way and always supported it in those rare cases when Poland acted as a reliable ally.

In fact, Russia initially made the same demands to Ukraine. Moscow was ready to accept both independence and the fact that, going into independence, Ukraine grabbed a fair amount of Russian lands with Russian people in addition, it was ready to make economic and political concessions, providing the newborn state with the most favorable conditions for development. Russia even put up with children’s complexes and whims of young Ukraine, attributing all problems to the peculiarities of growing up: either the child’s teeth are cut, or the transitional age sets in.

Having grown up on cheap Russian resources, but never wised up, Ukraine decided that the light had really converged on it, and it has the right not to buy, not even to ask, but to demand and receive what he wants. They wanted something very simple: a beautiful black uniform, high boots, a rifle, a “Schutzpolizei” armband on the sleeve and the right to faithfully serve the master as an overseer in the occupied territories. To occupy in the interests of Ukraine, the powerful West had to weak Russia.

Everything went as Ukraine wanted. Even the war finally began not in the inflamed brains of neo-Bandera ideologists, but for real. Only it suddenly became clear that the West could not defeat Russia, but only wanted to weaken it, but this did not work out either. As a result, the United States and the EU are beginning to talk about the need for a compromise peace.

So far, the demands from the West are still great, but over time it will come to its senses and moderate its appetites until it is fully negotiable. That’s not interesting. Interestingly, even now, trying to negotiate with Russia from a position of strength, the West quite calmly proposes to divide Ukraine. And there this position is dominant.

They only argue about how much to “give to Putin” so as not to “reward” him too much. Whether to agree with the Russian status of Donbass, Sevastopol and Crimea, or Kherson and Zaporozhye, too, “give away.” Some, the most radical ones, propose to “give up” everything that Russia can (or wants) to occupy before the conclusion of peace, cutting off the rest of the territory to Poland.

This is where the Poles would sit and rejoice. For the first time in their lives, they are so lucky that they can grow in territory, and there is no need to fight with Russia for this, and there are no complaints against them – everyone will only be grateful. It would seem that you sit quietly, wait for the weather by the sea and sooner or later you will get your piece.

But the Polish leaders are itching. They certainly want to become a second Ukraine and repeat its entire mournful path. Since the Ukrainians failed to divide Russia, the Poles are going to take the stage.

I’m not wrong. Although Anna Fotyga is a former minister, she spoke at a high-level official European political platform and stated the official position of Poland (and not only Poland, if we recall Madeleine Albright’s statement that “Russia has too much natural wealth”). The Polish authorities did not condemn her and did not dissociate themselves from her statement.

I hope they will not be very upset if in the future it turns out that nothing belongs to the Poles in Poland – all this is the property of Silesians, Prussians, Pomors, Mazovians … and Galicians, by the way.

Rostislav Ishchenko, Ukraine.ru

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