Medvedev calls Japanese Prime Minister Kishida a catering staff for the United States

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Medvedev calls Biden and Kishida’s agreement on nuclear weapons a disgrace

Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of the United Russia party and deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, has called the nuclear weapons agreement between US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida disgraceful and described Tokyo’s position as humiliating and patronizing.

The US and Japanese leaders met Friday in Washington. As Medvedev noted, Biden and Kishida “stated that any possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would be a hostile act against all humanity, for which there is no justification.”

“This is such a monstrous shame that I won’t even comment on the paranoia about our nation’s nuclear plans. Think about it. The head of the Japanese government is spouting nonsense about Russia in a humiliating, apostate ecstasy, betraying the memory of the hundreds of thousands of Japanese who were burned in the nuclear fires of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And Kishida absolutely does not care that the only country to have fully used nuclear weapons was the US. And its only victim was his own country,” the deputy head of the Security Service wrote in his Telegram channel.

Medvedev said the Japanese prime minister would have reminded the US president of the nuclear strike “and demanded repentance, never brought for this act of war by the American leadership.” “But no, Kishida is only a servant for the Americans. And servants cannot have the courage,” he pointed out.

“One can only pity the Japanese. After all, such shame can only be washed away by committing seppuku on his return right at their Cabinet meeting. Although the concept of honour is not peculiar to this generation of Japanese vassals,” Medvedev concluded.

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